For planning purposes only. Use at your own risk.
Annual mean temp (deg C): 6.5 to 10.7 annual mean temperature Beers aspect: 0 to 2 Beers et al. (1966) transformation of slope direction. Original scale is 0 (SW, most exposed) to 2 (NE, most sheltered), with values grading equivalently in both directions between the extremes. Plan curvature: -1.2 to 0.8 The curvature of a cell perpendicular to the direction of the maximum slope. Influences convergence and divergence of flow Profile curvature: -2.8 to 1.9 The curvature of a cell in the direction of the maximum slope. Affects the acceleration and deceleration of flow and, therefore, influences erosion and deposition Slope curvature: -1.9 to 3.4 The curvature of a cell as fitted through that cell and its neighbors. Dist to coastal waters (m): 53206 to 369592 Euclidean distance to nearest estuary or sea/ocean. [This probably can be tossed since only differs from estuaries if you're in the middle of the ocean or on an island with no estuaries identified] Dist to estuary (m): 53206 to 369592 Euclidean distance to nearest estuary Dist to inland waters (m): 0 to 1064 Euclidean distance to nearest stream, river, or other inland waterbody (excluding estuaries) Dist to lake (m): 0 to 14670 Euclidean distance to nearest lake/pond/resevoir > 1 ha Dist to lake or river (m): 0 to 6010 Euclidean distance to nearest river or other inland waterbody (features represented by polygons) Dist to ocean (m): 82601 to 477045 Euclidean distance to nearest sea/ocean Dist to pond (m): 0 to 8063 Euclidean distance to nearest lake/pond/resevoir <= 1 ha Dist to river (m): 0 to 11779 Euclidean distance to nearest stream/river Dist to stream (m): 0 to 1932 Euclidean distance to nearest stream (features represented by lines only) Dist to fresh marsh (m): 0 to 10143 Distance to freshwater emergent wetland Dist to woody wetland (m): 0 to 8236 Distance to forested palustrine wetland Dist to salt marsh (m): 63087 to 369808 Distance to saltwater emergent wetland Flowpath dist to water or wetland (m): 0 to 47665 The downslope distance along the flow path to a water or wetland feature. Elevation (cm): 121.6 to 758 Elevation in centimeters (originally in meters) Topographic moisture: 0 to 199999 Flow accumulation is used as a proxy for topographic moisture. For each cell, this is determined by summing the weights of all cells flowing into it. This does not account for flow differences over different soil types. Growing degree days (days): 1681 to 2589 Growing degree days Dist to sand (m): 0 to 68636 Euclidean distance to sand Dist to loam (m): 0 to 2782 Euclidean distance to loam Dist to silt/clay (m): 0 to 3951 Euclidean distance to silt/clay Dist to CP sand, limestone (m): 580057 to 737501 Euclidean distance to coastal plain sand over limestone Dist to CP loam, limestone (m): 578793 to 736260 Euclidean distance to coastal plain loam over limestone Dist to CP silt/clay, limestone (m): 581135 to 739280 Euclidean distance to coastal plain silt and clay over limestone Dist to acidic sedimentary rock (m): 0 to 11632 Euclidean distance to acidic sedimentary bedrock Dist to acidic shale (m): 0 to 130078 Euclidean distance to acidic shale bedrock Dist to calc rock (m): 284 to 120902 Euclidean distance to calcareous bedrock Dist to moderately calc rock (m): 0 to 43214 Euclidean distance to moderately calcareous bedrock Dist to acidic granitic rock (m): 0 to 260992 Euclidean distance to acidic granitic bedrock Dist to mafic rock (m): 30 to 269142 Euclidean distance to mafic bedrock Dist to ultramafic rock (m): 31994 to 335542 Euclidean distance to ultramafic bedrock Impervious surface 1-cell mean (percent): 0 to 6 mean percent impervious cover in 1-cell radius (30 meter cells) Impervious surface 10-cell mean (percent): 0 to 7 mean percent impervious cover in 10-cell radius (30 meter cells) Impervious surface 100-cell mean (percent): 0 to 18.2 mean percent impervious cover in 100-cell radius (30 meter cells) Isothermality: 2779.2 to 3457.6 comparison of day-to-night and summer-to-winter temperature oscillations July precip (mm): 90.7 to 136.2 July precipitation June precip (mm): 107.9 to 148.9 June precipiation May precip (mm): 81.5 to 130.4 May precipitation Mean diurnal range (deg C): 9.7 to 12.9 (mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) Min temp of coldest month (deg C): -10.9 to -6.8 minimum temperature of coldest month Mean temp of coldest quarter (deg C): -5 to -0.6 mean temperature of coldest quarter Mean temp of driest quarter (deg C): -5 to 0.5 mean temperature of driest quarter Mean temp of wettest quarter (deg C): 8.8 to 21 mean temperature of wettest quarter Mean temp of warmest quarter (deg C): 17.3 to 21.6 mean temperature of warmest quarter Max temp of warmest month (deg C): 24.1 to 28.9 maximum temperature of warmest month Deciduous forest cover 1-cell mean: 0 to 100 mean deciduous forest cover within 1-cell radius Deciduous forest cover 10-cell mean: 0 to 100 mean deciduous forest cover within 10-cell radius Deciduous forest cover 100-cell mean: 35 to 93.9 mean deciduous forest cover within 100-cell radius Evergreen forest cover 1-cell mean: 0 to 100 mean evergreen forest cover within 1-cell radius Evergreen forest cover 10-cell mean: 0 to 79.8 mean evergreen forest cover within 10-cell radius Evergreen forest cover 100-cell mean: 0 to 51 mean evergreen forest cover within 100-cell radius Forest cover 1-cell mean: 0 to 1 mean forest cover within 1-cell radius Forest cover 10-cell mean: 0 to 1 mean forest cover within 10-cell radius Forest cover 100-cell mean: 0.4 to 1 mean forest cover within 100 cell radius Open cover 1-cell mean: 0 to 0.8 mean open cover within 1-cell radius Open cover 10-cell mean: 0 to 0.5 mean open cover within 10-cell radius Open cover 100-cell mean: 0 to 0.3 mean open cover within 100 cell radius Shrub cover 1-cell mean: 0 to 1 mean shrub cover within 1-cell radius Shrub cover 10-cell mean: 0 to 0.7 mean shrub cover within 10-cell radius Shrub cover 100-cell mean: 0 to 0.2 mean shrub cover within 100 cell radius Water cover 1-cell mean: 0 to 1 mean open water cover within 1-cell radius Water cover 10-cell mean: 0 to 0.6 mean open water cover within 10-cell radius Water cover 100-cell mean: 0 to 0.2 mean open water cover within 100 cell radius Wetland cover 1-cell mean: 0 to 1 mean wetland cover within 1-cell radius Wetland cover 10-cell mean: 0 to 1 mean wetland cover within 10-cell radius Wetland cover 100-cell mean: 0 to 0.4 mean wetland cover within 100 cell radius Normalized dispersion of precip: 1154 to 2227.1 normalized dispersion (CV) of precipitation Precip of coldest quarter (mm): 168.4 to 303 precipitation of coldest quarter Precip of driest month (mm): 49.7 to 87.4 precipitation of driest month Precip of driest quarter (mm): 168.4 to 296.2 precipitation of driest quarter Precip of wettest month (mm): 107.8 to 148.9 precipitation of wettest month Precip of wettest quarter (mm): 293.4 to 415.5 precipitation of wettest quarter Precip of warmest quarter (mm): 287.1 to 402.1 precipitation of warmest quarter Solar radiation equinox: 4503 to 25077 Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the equinox Solar radiation summer solstice: 5892 to 31478 Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the summer solstice Solar radiation winter solstice: 3724 to 20585 Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the winter solstice Roughness 100-cell circle: 11.8 to 141 The standard deviation of elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 100 cells. Roughness 10-cell circle: 0.4 to 67.6 The standard deviation of elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 10 cells. Roughness 1-cell square: 0 to 23.6 The standard deviation of elevation values within the neighborhood immediately surrounding the center cell. Slope length (m): -20 to 47665 The longest upslope distance along the flow path to the top of the drainage divide, plus the downslope distance along the flow path to a water or wetland feature. Slope (deg): 0 to 41.8 The inclination of slope in degrees. Temp annual range (deg C): 34.1 to 38.3 (max temp warmest month - min temp coldest month) Temp seasonality: 8976 to 9614.2 (STD * 100) Topographic postion index 1-cell square: -5.4 to 9.9 Topographic position index using elevation values within the neighborhood immediately surrounding the center cell Topographic postion index 10-cell radius: -60.7 to 62.8 Topographic position index using elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 10 cells. Topographic postion index 100-cell radius: -242.1 to 97.9 Topographic position index using elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 100 cells. Total annual precip (mm): 928.4 to 1404.8 total annual precipitation 10000 1000 100 100 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 100 100 100 100 100 100 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 100 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 1 1 1 100 100 100 1 100 10000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10000 Phalaris arundinacea Western Marsh
Carex utriculata - Carex lacustris - (Carex vesicaria, Carex stricta) Wet Meadow
Limestone - Dolostone Midwest Moist Cliff Vegetation
Pinus virginiana Ruderal Forest
Carex utriculata - Carex aquatilis var. dives - Sanguisorba officinalis / Sphagnum spp. Fen
Quercus alba - Quercus velutina - Quercus stellata / Schizachyrium scoparium - Desmodium spp. Woodland
Mixed Hardwood Floodplain Thicket
Platanus occidentalis - Betula nigra - Salix (caroliniana, nigra) Floodplain Forest
Carex torta Riverbed Vegetation
Twisted Sedge (Carex t orta ) Stream Margin
Umbilicaria muehlenbergii - Lasallia papulosa - (Melanelia stygia) Nonvascular Vegetation
Cystopteris bulbifera - (Asplenium rhizophyllum) Cliff Sparse Vegetation
Fagus grandifolia - Acer saccharum Glaciated Midwest Forest
Vaccinium corymbosum - Gaylussacia baccata - Photinia melanocarpa / Calla palustris Acidic Peatland
Larix laricina - Acer rubrum / (Rhamnus alnifolia, Vaccinium corymbosum) Swamp Forest
Chamaedaphne calyculata - (Gaylussacia dumosa) - Decodon verticillatus / Woodwardia virginica Acidic Peatland
Acer rubrum - Nyssa sylvatica - Betula alleghaniensis / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
Juniperus virginiana Ruderal Forest
Phalaris arundinacea Eastern Ruderal Marsh
Reed Canary-grass Floodplain Grassland
Salix nigra / Phalaris arundinacea - Apocynum cannabinum Wet Shrubland
Picea mariana / (Vaccinium corymbosum, Gaylussacia baccata) / Sphagnum sp. Swamp Woodland
Deschampsia caespitosa - Claytonia virginica var. hammondiae Seepage Meadow
Dactylis glomerata - Phleum pratense - Festuca spp. - Solidago spp. Ruderal Meadow
Typha (angustifolia, latifolia) - (Schoenoplectus spp.) Eastern Marsh
Acer saccharum - Quercus muehlenbergii / Carex platyphylla Forest
Carex tetanica - Carex prairea - Eleocharis erythropoda - Lysimachia quadriflora Fen
Liriodendron tulipifera - Quercus rubra - Fraxinus americana / Asimina triloba / Actaea racemosa Forest
Vaccinium corymbosum / Sphagnum spp. Acidic Peatland
Pinus rigida / Chamaedaphne calyculata / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Woodland
Acer rubrum / Nemopanthus mucronatus - Vaccinium corymbosum Swamp Forest
Quercus muehlenbergii - Cercis canadensis / Packera obovata - Lithospermum canescens Woodland
Tsuga canadensis / Rhododendron maximum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Forest
Andropogon gerardii - Panicum virgatum - Baptisia australis Riverscour Wet Meadow
Quercus prinus - Quercus rubra / Rhododendron maximum / Galax urceolata Forest
Quercus prinus - (Quercus coccinea, Quercus rubra) / Kalmia latifolia / Vaccinium pallidum Forest
Myrica gale - Chamaedaphne calyculata / Carex (lasiocarpa, utriculata) - Utricularia spp. Fen
Sweet-gale Leatherleaf Shrub Fen
Schizachyrium scoparium - (Andropogon virginicus) - Solidago spp. Ruderal Meadow
Vaccinium corymbosum - Rhododendron viscosum - Clethra alnifolia Acidic Peatland
Juniperus virginiana / Corydalis sempervirens Cliff Sparse Vegetation
Appalachian - Alleghenian Sandstone Dry Cliff Sparse Vegetation
Bitternut Hickory Floodplain Forest
Carya cordiformis - Prunus serotina / Ageratina altissima Forest
Elaeagnus umbellata - Cornus racemosa - Rosa multiflora - Juniperus virginiana Ruderal Shrubland
Quercus rubra - Acer rubrum - Betula spp. - Pinus strobus Ruderal Forest
Prunus pumila / Andropogon gerardii - Sorghastrum nutans Riverscour Wet Meadow
Calamagrostis canadensis - Scirpus spp. - Dulichium arundinaceum Wet Meadow
Penstemon hirsutus Sparse Vegetation
Photinia pyrifolia - Ilex verticillata - Nemopanthus mucronatus / Osmunda cinnamomea Acidic Peatland
Carex prairea - Carex stricta - Pycnanthemum virginianum Fen
Cotton-grass Poor Fen
Eriophorum virginicum - (Carex folliculata) / Sphagnum spp. - Polytrichum spp. Fen
Fraxinus pennsylvanica - (Juglans nigra, Platanus occidentalis) Floodplain Forest
Green Ash - Mixed Hardwood Floodplain Forest
Acer saccharum - Tilia americana / Acer pensylvanicum / Caulophyllum thalictroides Forest
Tsuga canadensis - Acer saccharum - Fagus grandifolia / Dryopteris intermedia Forest
Pinus rigida / Osmunda cinnamomea - Carex stricta - Eriophorum virginicum / Sphagnum spp. Swamp Woodland
Pinus virginiana - Pinus (rigida, echinata) - (Quercus prinus) / Vaccinium pallidum Forest
Liriodendron tulipifera / (Cercis canadensis) / (Lindera benzoin) Ruderal Forest
Liriodendron tulipifera - Quercus spp. Ruderal Forest
Quercus alba - Quercus rubra - Carya ovalis / Acer saccharum / Polystichum acrostichoides Forest
Juglans nigra / Verbesina alternifolia Ruderal Forest
Pinus strobus Ruderal Forest
Japanese Knotweed Floodplain Thicket
Polygonum cuspidatum Ruderal Wet Meadow
Betula lenta - Acer rubrum / Lycopodium annotinum - Dennstaedtia punctilobula Ruderal Forest
Liriodendron tulipifera - Quercus rubra - Magnolia acuminata / Cornus florida Forest
Quercus rubra - Quercus prinus - Carya ovalis / (Cercis canadensis) / Solidago caesia Forest
Quercus alba - Quercus prinus - Carya glabra / Cornus florida / Vaccinium pallidum Forest
Quercus prinus - Quercus rubra - Carya ovalis / Carex pensylvanica - (Calamagrostis porteri) Forest
Quercus alba - Quercus (coccinea, velutina, prinus) / Gaylussacia baccata Forest
Quercus prinus - Quercus rubra / Vaccinium pallidum - (Rhododendron periclymenoides) Forest
Pinus virginiana - Quercus prinus / Quercus ilicifolia / (Hieracium greenii, Viola pedata) Woodland
Pinus strobus - Quercus alba - Quercus prinus / Vaccinium stamineum Forest
Quercus prinus - Pinus virginiana - (Pinus pungens) / Schizachyrium scoparium - Dichanthelium depauperatum Woodland
Pasture & Hay Field Crop
Shrub & Herb Developed Vegetation
Periodically Exposed Shoreline Community
Riverbank Freshwater Tidal Marsh
Cattail marsh
Cottongrass - sedge fen
Floodplain Meadow
Golden saxifrage - pennsylvania bitter-cress spring run
Golden saxifrage - sedge rich seep
Hairy-fruited Sedge (Carex trichocarpa) Floodplain Wetland
Lizard's-tail Emergent Bed
Mixed forb marsh
Many fruited sedge - bladderwort peatland
River Bluff Seep
Rice Cutgrass - Bulrush Vernal Pool
Riverside ice scour community
Sphagnum - beaked rush peatland
Skunk cabbage - golden saxifrage forest seep
Serpentine seepage wetland
Tussock sedge marsh
Wet meadow
Water-willow (Justicia americana)- Smartweed Riverbed Community
Freshwater tidal mixed high marsh
Bottomland Oak - Hardwood Palustrine Forest
Red maple - elm - willow floodplain swamp
Red maple - black ash palustrine forest
Red maple - black-gum palustrine forest
Red maple - magnolia coastal plain palustrine forest
Sycamore - (river birch) - box-elder floodplain forest
Sycamore Floodplain Forest
Silver maple floodplain forest
Sycamore - Mixed Hardwood Floodplain Forest
Sugar Maple - Mixed Hardwood Floodplain Forest
Black spruce - tamarack peatland forest
Hemlock palustrine forest
Hemlock - mixed hardwood palustrine forest
Red spruce - mixed hardwood palustrine forest
Red spruce palustrine forest
Alder - ninebark wetland
Alder - sphagnum wetland
Highbush blueberry - sphagnum wetland
Buttonbush wetland
Highbush blueberry - meadow-sweet wetland
Buckthorn - sedge (carex interior) - golden ragwort fen
Black willow scrub/shrub wetland
Great Lakes Bluff Seep
Leatherleaf -cranberry peatland
Leatherleaf - bog rosemary peatland
Leatherleaf - sedge wetland
Poison sumac - red-cedar - bayberry fen
Willow - Indian-grass Floodplain Shrub Wetland
Red maple - highbush blueberry palustrine woodland
Red maple - mixed shrub palustrine woodland
Black spruce - tamarack palustrine woodland
Hemlock-mixed hardwood palustrine woodland
Herbaceous & Woody Developed Vegetation
Agricultural & Developed Aquatic Vegetation
Cultivated Pasture & Hay Field
Pinus spp. Forest Plantation
Pinus strobus Forest Plantation
Black locust forest
Black cherry - northern hardwood forest
Black-gum ridgetop forest
Mixed mesophytic forest
Northern hardwood forest
Dry oak-heath forest
Dry oak-mixed hardwood forest
Red oak - mixed hardwood forest
Red maple (terrestrial) forest
Sweet gum - oak coastal plain forest
Sugar maple - basswood
Tuliptree- beech -maple forest
Hemlock (white pine) forest
Hemlock (white pine) -northern hardwood forest
Hemlock (white pine) - red oak - mixed hardwood forest
Rich hemlock - mesic hardwoods forest
Hemlock - tuliptree - birch forest
Dry white pine (hemlock) - oak forest
Pitch pine - mixed oak forest
Virginia pine - mixed hardwood forest
Calcareous opening/cliff
Great lakes region sparsely vegetated beach
Great lakes region dry sandplain
Little bluestem - pennsylvania sedge opening
Serpentine grassland
Side-oats gramma calcareous grassland
Low heath - mountain ash shrubland
Low heath shrubland
Rhodora - mixed heath - scrub oak shrubland
Scrub oak shrubland
Red-cedar - prickly pear shale shrubland
Red-cedar - redbud shrubland
Great lakes region bayberry - cottonwood community
Birch (black-gum) rocky slope woodland
Dry oak - heath woodland
Yellow oak - redbud woodland
Pitch pine - heath woodland
Pitch pine - mixed hardwood woodland
Red-cedar - mixed hardwood rich shale woodland
Virginia pine - mixed hardwood shale woodland
numericalMin,numericalMax;82007,135104 ;1000,1319 ;0,7788 ;661,8048 ;928,7415 ;-151,6 ;-5,26 ;-178,11 ;0,216651 ;0,216651 ;323,743 ;1225,8737 ;351,2106 ;62163,312122 ;335,1880 ;0,7367 ;323,743 ;0,6185 ;30,3810 ;11518,217462 ;0,5618 ;0,5817 ;53,199999 ;2020,3322 ;30,8224 ;351,1087 ;0,450 ;463733,584137 ;464024,584415 ;505419,618935 ;127,3706 ;0,67165 ;7872,23598 ;30,34444 ;1415,107521 ;6824,114151 ;3941,175038 ;0,22 ;4,1675 ;22,2961 ;275634,347662 ;896232,1260717 ;942697,1099527 ;958519,1068824 ;92375,123861 ;-86191,-28887 ;-32966,23185 ;-32966,23185 ;191158,238750 ;191158,246207 ;258311,306239 ;0,8888 ;0,8958 ;70,7700 ;0,1111 ;0,2460 ;0,1508 ;0,10000 ;0,9684 ;70,8972 ;0,0 ;0,0 ;211,793 ;0,0 ;0,31 ;0,98 ;0,6666 ;0,8012 ;6,3311 ;0,8888 ;0,3690 ;0,1637 ;126866,176910 ;1959010,2592291 ;591770,688460 ;1959010,2592291 ;1024509,1260717 ;2863440,3429222 ;2638867,3429222 ;16431,18622 ;21657,24203 ;13035,14945 ;203,5484 ;39,1338 ;26,389 ;-20,5618 ;23,408 ;335118,356278 ;8859481,9058450 ;-4463,210 ;-12127,45 ;-50754,-1466 ;9816284,11980619 ;65143,106894 ;1,2000 ;0,9055 ;1684,8856 ;3917,8515 ;-116,78 ;-279,192 ;-186,344 ;53206,369592 ;53206,369592 ;0,1064 ;0,14670 ;0,6010 ;82601,477045 ;0,8063 ;0,11779 ;0,1932 ;0,10143 ;0,8236 ;63087,369808 ;0,47665 ;1216,7580 ;0,199999 ;1681,2589 ;0,68636 ;0,2782 ;0,3951 ;580057,737501 ;578793,736260 ;581135,739280 ;0,11632 ;0,130078 ;284,120902 ;0,43214 ;0,260992 ;30,269142 ;31994,335542 ;0,600 ;0,703 ;0,1820 ;277923,345761 ;906965,1362008 ;1078957,1488994 ;815394,1304067 ;96982,129004 ;-109296,-67537 ;-49717,-5827 ;-49717,4774 ;87922,209539 ;173297,216398 ;241194,288657 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;3505,9394 ;0,10000 ;0,7981 ;0,5096 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;3613,9883 ;0,7777 ;0,5173 ;0,3417 ;0,10000 ;0,6908 ;0,1758 ;0,10000 ;0,6182 ;0,2174 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;0,3732 ;115398,222712 ;1683624,3030444 ;497061,874084 ;1683624,2962177 ;1077977,1488994 ;2933718,4155496 ;2871291,4020645 ;4503,25077 ;5892,31478 ;3724,20585 ;1177,14098 ;37,6765 ;0,2364 ;-20,47665 ;0,4181 ;340970,383007 ;8975964,9614209 ;-5371,9918 ;-60690,62775 ;-242085,97937 ;9283834,14048458 ;63936,104294 ;3,1997 ;0,8966 ;1632,8852 ;843,7806 ;-144,194 ;-87,185 ;-216,262 ;85432,435646 ;85432,435646 ;0,664 ;0,8432 ;0,3691 ;128123,523241 ;0,2063 ;0,12040 ;0,3520 ;0,3853 ;0,3150 ;90741,435943 ;0,10864 ;1703,5747 ;0,199999 ;1696,2526 ;84,58582 ;0,5159 ;0,2024 ;606844,750781 ;607198,749973 ;670515,797454 ;0,6381 ;11734,118658 ;38370,149995 ;0,41019 ;66039,326505 ;60536,333512 ;103801,362633 ;0,2033 ;0,939 ;4,1961 ;223962,338884 ;857217,1273134 ;868274,1283382 ;777614,1191214 ;68981,129237 ;-116582,-63135 ;-54549,-10673 ;-45639,-10673 ;100399,204618 ;178213,215387 ;244868,290292 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;70,8285 ;0,10000 ;0,5362 ;9,2554 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;80,9370 ;0,10000 ;0,6214 ;52,5539 ;0,10000 ;0,3186 ;4,477 ;0,8888 ;0,6277 ;0,7634 ;0,10000 ;0,9684 ;0,3478 ;128584,229146 ;1601057,2697323 ;490239,699646 ;1601057,2441192 ;987009,1292290 ;2692631,3654710 ;2586748,3540594 ;4807,23027 ;6030,29472 ;3924,18580 ;64,8774 ;34,6834 ;0,1656 ;-20,10864 ;0,3415 ;308004,383665 ;9045099,9536526 ;-6909,5462 ;-35099,28775 ;-140869,87170 ;9084488,12554292 ;104988,122968 ;2,2000 ;0,9033 ;0,8961 ;1374,7786 ;-33,113 ;-85,60 ;-64,154 ;12906,83145 ;12906,83145 ;0,992 ;94,6229 ;0,1723 ;79251,194284 ;84,1966 ;0,10560 ;0,1704 ;0,2988 ;0,2392 ;16054,83488 ;0,21604 ;188,2424 ;0,199999 ;2541,2971 ;9600,71188 ;0,10574 ;0,1656 ;472873,587491 ;473020,586281 ;492323,588562 ;0,4243 ;0,64078 ;0,19918 ;283,61503 ;0,24903 ;0,17048 ;0,51577 ;0,3455 ;0,1467 ;17,2298 ;308587,334958 ;847766,1251055 ;891406,1114959 ;962817,1104426 ;108683,120185 ;-67202,-48538 ;-7146,10066 ;-331,21595 ;159940,226497 ;214071,235054 ;283033,304490 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;859,8131 ;0,7222 ;0,5410 ;7,525 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;926,8185 ;0,10000 ;0,9589 ;577,7007 ;0,8888 ;0,4668 ;70,908 ;0,10000 ;0,6750 ;0,4432 ;0,10000 ;0,6025 ;44,801 ;112993,151575 ;2195193,2649277 ;637308,758154 ;2195193,2617064 ;986605,1251055 ;2895206,3434642 ;2709691,3314634 ;7114,25112 ;10411,31411 ;5213,20737 ;880,5380 ;0,3574 ;0,1412 ;-20,22504 ;0,2981 ;344369,358807 ;8761970,9173422 ;-2064,3977 ;-16143,37450 ;-98387,92649 ;10368479,12309882 ;77319,118907 ;0,2000 ;0,9000 ;0,8942 ;1079,8813 ;-135,206 ;-148,154 ;-263,288 ;59222,250711 ;59222,250711 ;0,1110 ;0,12234 ;0,4709 ;75259,373389 ;0,4740 ;0,12770 ;0,2228 ;0,7477 ;0,6366 ;66985,254115 ;0,41571 ;834,9311 ;0,199999 ;1922,2882 ;30,75809 ;0,4870 ;0,4278 ;438760,696753 ;439052,695557 ;481523,697821 ;0,7429 ;0,52718 ;0,42748 ;0,24351 ;0,163518 ;1368,165979 ;37107,213621 ;0,1666 ;0,2204 ;1,4796 ;253245,362381 ;796936,1458664 ;870492,1365748 ;861050,1424837 ;81266,129242 ;-100965,-50049 ;-39922,6093 ;-36423,168812 ;104566,215029 ;184354,230417 ;241742,304168 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;300,9604 ;0,10000 ;0,8911 ;0,2970 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;301,9895 ;0,10000 ;0,8422 ;0,7614 ;0,7777 ;0,1955 ;0,1038 ;0,10000 ;0,10000 ;0,2859 ;0,10000 ;0,7823 ;0,1680 ;110414,222720 ;1859527,3302972 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;0,6666 ;0,1198 ;0,204 ;143675,195185 ;1916712,2593726 ;534906,738008 ;1903129,2592888 ;1008264,1245888 ;2966947,3517610 ;2797732,3508817 ;7898,26238 ;11592,32417 ;5240,21896 ;1378,5837 ;154,4170 ;7,1740 ;-10,10243 ;3,3584 ;344524,365620 ;8751269,9246058 ;-8007,6503 ;-37257,39076 ;-123063,50105 ;9619865,12010394
Expr1001;0.4021 ;0.4997 ;0.28 ;0.3377 ;0.6971 ;0.5887 ;0.5996 ;0.3408 ;0.8136 ;0.8136 ;0.0056 ;0.1841 ;0.001 ;0.7754 ;0.3973 ;0.0669 ;0.1729 ;0.4058 ;0.0874 ;0.8179 ;0 ;0.3712 ;0.9 ;0.3804 ;0.4032 ;0.035 ;0.0396 ;0.5038 ;0.5137 ;0.7713 ;0.0067 ;0.686 ;0.6931 ;0.3178 ;0.7942 ;0.7913 ;0.718 ;0 ;0.0356 ;0.0078 ;0.8963 ;0.5653 ;0.3018 ;0.3984 ;0.8045 ;0.3937 ;0.3669 ;0.4025 ;0.7901 ;0.4494 ;0.597 ;0.0667 ;0.2315 ;0.4959 ;0.0889 ;0.1676 ;0.3444 ;0.1555 ;0.3653 ;0.7286 ;0.0286 ;0.1597 ;0.1414 ;0 ;0.0255 ;0.2071 ;0.4667 ;0.4428 ;0.2735 ;0.3555 ;0.2025 ;0.0472 ;0.6549 ;0.3695 ;0.2943 ;0.3549 ;0.319 ;0.3899 ;0.4482 ;0.5426 ;0.5968 ;0.5019 ;0.4952 ;0.2028 ;0.0187 ;0.0041 ;0.018 ;0.5095 ;0.3188 ;0.3367 ;0.4054 ;0.3304 ;0.3946 ;0.1702 ;0.4997 ;0.0797 ;0.3586 ;0.6903 ;0.5773 ;0.5924 ;0.3434 ;0.5852 ;0.5852 ;0 ;0.0757 ;0.185 ;0.4391 ;0.2989 ;0.5753 ;0 ;0.1706 ;0.0205 ;0.5983 ;0 ;0.7597 ;1 ;0.1938 ;0.3927 ;0 ;0.3802 ;0.6856 ;0.6948 ;0.8011 ;0.0026 ;0.2655 ;0.4177 ;0.1418 ;0.6315 ;0.5587 ;0.3775 ;0 ;0.0242 ;0.006 ;0.1856 ;0.2173 ;0.2239 ;0.1151 ;0.1367 ;0.2203 ;0.0972 ;0.0783 ;0.7966 ;0.2669 ;0.1603 ;0.4444 ;0.5063 ;0.493 ;0 ;0.0296 ;0.1719 ;0.4444 ;0.5299 ;0.5855 ;0 ;0 ;0.0509 ;0 ;0.1369 ;0.9374 ;0 ;0 ;0.0005 ;0.5555 ;0.3186 ;0.1734 ;0.8628 ;0.1248 ;0.1456 ;0.1315 ;0.2257 ;0.1523 ;0.2163 ;0.5873 ;0.634 ;0.5508 ;0.1573 ;0.0416 ;0.0085 ;0.0004 ;0.0067 ;0.1886 ;0.5453 ;0.3427 ;0.4706 ;0.6545 ;0.1835 ;0.5894 ;0.57 ;0.3302 ;0.4774 ;0.8121 ;0.5919 ;0.621 ;0.3233 ;0.597 ;0.597 ;0.0133 ;0.5082 ;0.0024 ;0.5247 ;0.2101 ;0.0017 ;0.1929 ;0.181 ;0.1077 ;0.6011 ;0 ;0.1717 ;0.8333 ;0.5373 ;0.3388 ;0.0036 ;0.0202 ;0.4561 ;0.4655 ;0.6219 ;0.0055 ;0.2457 ;0.3198 ;0.1191 ;0.588 ;0.548 ;0.5385 ;0.0492 ;0.0737 ;0.0089 ;0.783 ;0.2896 ;0.1171 ;0.2801 ;0.7572 ;0.523 ;0.533 ;0.4577 ;0.9404 ;0.6726 ;0.7907 ;0.1759 ;0.4085 ;0.5258 ;0.0463 ;0.1468 ;0.4462 ;0.2222 ;0.5257 ;0.8394 ;0.0238 ;0.2246 ;0.1083 ;0 ;0.0106 ;0.0688 ;0.3333 ;0.2585 ;0.0972 ;0.3333 ;0.0941 ;0.0368 ;0.5601 ;0.2587 ;0.2379 ;0.262 ;0.1192 ;0.1836 ;0.2495 ;0.5362 ;0.5819 ;0.4997 ;0.7615 ;0.2469 ;0.0503 ;0.0033 ;0.0578 ;0.5997 ;0.4291 ;0.3246 ;0.391 ;0.2116 ;0.2848 ;0.5269 ;0.3711 ;0.4267 ;0.514 ;0.8264 ;0.5541 ;0.6695 ;0.2664 ;0.6614 ;0.6614 ;0.0141 ;0.3737 ;0.0025 ;0.5877 ;0.1766 ;0.0021 ;0.2388 ;0.2286 ;0.1425 ;0.6672 ;0 ;0.2028 ;0.75 ;0.4646 ;0.444 ;0.0036 ;0.032 ;0.5031 ;0.5126 ;0.6917 ;0.0038 ;0.3348 ;0.4069 ;0.2074 ;0.6628 ;0.6198 ;0.5897 ;0.0461 ;0.0408 ;0.0154 ;0.8056 ;0.3445 ;0.1604 ;0.3108 ;0.779 ;0.4653 ;0.476 ;0.44 ;0.8857 ;0.6027 ;0.7494 ;0.2222 ;0.3966 ;0.5669 ;0.1111 ;0.1867 ;0.3734 ;0.3333 ;0.5457 ;0.8188 ;0 ;0.1951 ;0.1242 ;0 ;0.0099 ;0.0929 ;0.2407 ;0.2288 ;0.0872 ;0.3518 ;0.144 ;0.0429 ;0.554 ;0.2929 ;0.2624 ;0.2845 ;0.1644 ;0.2236 ;0.2851 ;0.5186 ;0.5731 ;0.4668 ;0.7241 ;0.293 ;0.0736 ;0.005 ;0.0762 ;0.6103 ;0.4038 ;0.2736 ;0.3607 ;0.2109 ;0.3132 ;0.2403 ;0.4997 ;0.6335 ;0.8614 ;0.7375 ;0.5893 ;0.5931 ;0.3472 ;0.2674 ;0.2674 ;0.0658 ;0.1019 ;0.0942 ;0.1834 ;0.1249 ;0.2466 ;0.2314 ;0.0905 ;0.0056 ;0.2656 ;0 ;0.6539 ;0.5 ;0.2434 ;0.3661 ;0.023 ;0.0116 ;0.6656 ;0.6686 ;0.6954 ;0.0082 ;0.213 ;0.2737 ;0.3415 ;0.3197 ;0.2827 ;0.2862 ;0 ;0 ;0.0209 ;0.434 ;0.3369 ;0.2028 ;0.4307 ;0.4058 ;0.1573 ;0.1936 ;0.2747 ;0.4312 ;0.3197 ;0.2871 ;0.037 ;0.3359 ;0.5203 ;0.037 ;0.0362 ;0.0922 ;0.0741 ;0.3648 ;0.5465 ;0 ;0 ;0.1941 ;0 ;0 ;0.098 ;0.0741 ;0.034 ;0.0348 ;0.8518 ;0.614 ;0.453 ;0.3156 ;0.493 ;0.5171 ;0.5118 ;0.2245 ;0.2778 ;0.3029 ;0.5969 ;0.6412 ;0.5625 ;0.3545 ;0.0721 ;0.0086 ;0.0171 ;0.0076 ;0.3944 ;0.4345 ;0.347 ;0.4559 ;0.8048 ;0.5025 ;0.3787 ;0.4997 ;0.6552 ;0.8295 ;0.4913 ;0.6082 ;0.5966 ;0.3509 ;0.7156 ;0.7156 ;0.0846 ;0.1162 ;0.2226 ;0.7415 ;0.1658 ;0.4652 ;0.0466 ;0.1637 ;0 ;0.7071 ;0 ;0.6442 ;0.5 ;0.3623 ;0.8683 ;0.367 ;0.0537 ;0.242 ;0.2519 ;0.5134 ;0 ;0.5325 ;0.5872 ;0.0728 ;0.6512 ;0.6563 ;0.6861 ;0 ;0 ;0.0527 ;0.5176 ;0.4862 ;0.4167 ;0.5437 ;0.3904 ;0.4571 ;0.3241 ;0.462 ;0.6723 ;0.4078 ;0.3867 ;0.0555 ;0.7018 ;0.4396 ;0.0555 ;0.1442 ;0.148 ;0.1111 ;0.817 ;0.5159 ;0 ;0 ;0.3708 ;0 ;0 ;0.2582 ;0 ;0 ;0.0557 ;0.8888 ;0.1829 ;0.0539 ;0.6851 ;0.3815 ;0.2979 ;0.3965 ;0.4181 ;0.4301 ;0.4795 ;0.6221 ;0.6637 ;0.5902 ;0.1401 ;0.033 ;0.0114 ;0 ;0.0141 ;0.209 ;0.3169 ;0.3487 ;0.4687 ;0.7366 ;0.4024 ;0.4862 ;0.4997 ;0.3092 ;0.3648 ;0.7389 ;0.6237 ;0.5973 ;0.3566 ;0.6223 ;0.6223 ;0.0282 ;0.2554 ;0.005 ;0.63 ;0.1534 ;0.0025 ;0.1234 ;0.5776 ;0.1095 ;0.6152 ;0 ;0.2713 ;0.5 ;0.4637 ;0.4275 ;0.0072 ;0.0392 ;0.6023 ;0.609 ;0.8135 ;0.0089 ;0.5925 ;0.6108 ;0.7519 ;0.6566 ;0.6477 ;0.6581 ;0 ;0.0673 ;0.0225 ;0.8618 ;0.5792 ;0.2755 ;0.5237 ;0.8303 ;0.3844 ;0.4252 ;0.5343 ;0.7172 ;0.5458 ;0.6936 ;0 ;0.2855 ;0.3796 ;0 ;0.1943 ;0.554 ;0 ;0.4405 ;0.7896 ;0 ;0 ;0.1023 ;0 ;0.0045 ;0.054 ;0.3333 ;0.5136 ;0.1685 ;0.6666 ;0.143 ;0.0532 ;0.4935 ;0.4756 ;0.4121 ;0.4593 ;0.2887 ;0.4093 ;0.4284 ;0.5469 ;0.5933 ;0.5094 ;0.2905 ;0.1977 ;0.023 ;0 ;0.0239 ;0.6277 ;0.4086 ;0.3557 ;0.4072 ;0.4486 ;0.4589 ;0.3823 ;0.4997 ;0.7 ;0.6557 ;0.7729 ;0.5026 ;0.6391 ;0.2745 ;0.7 ;0.7 ;0 ;0.548 ;0 ;0.625 ;0.2108 ;0 ;0.0831 ;0.1905 ;0.2162 ;0.7025 ;0 ;0.278 ;1 ;0.3359 ;0.6177 ;0.0129 ;0.0386 ;0.5204 ;0.53 ;0.7242 ;0.0013 ;0.5223 ;0.5591 ;0.2617 ;0.6961 ;0.655 ;0.6122 ;0.2125 ;0.0754 ;0.0266 ;0.8828 ;0.3394 ;0.2318 ;0.3026 ;0.8345 ;0.3119 ;0.3461 ;0.3675 ;0.8577 ;0.4394 ;0.607 ;0.1944 ;0.4786 ;0.335 ;0.1388 ;0.2756 ;0.5651 ;0.3333 ;0.6987 ;0.7567 ;0 ;0.2805 ;0.1769 ;0 ;0 ;0.3109 ;0 ;0 ;0.0044 ;0.5555 ;0.0946 ;0.0299 ;0.5592 ;0.332 ;0.2308 ;0.2971 ;0.2336 ;0.2313 ;0.3002 ;0.5338 ;0.5777 ;0.4985 ;0.5682 ;0.4178 ;0.0351 ;0.029 ;0.0091 ;0.602 ;0.3196 ;0.2824 ;0.2702 ;0.2667 ;0.3235 ;0.2673 ;0.4997 ;0.4846 ;0.8453 ;0.8569 ;0.5902 ;0.5924 ;0.3491 ;0.1396 ;0.1396 ;0.0399 ;0.0998 ;0.0071 ;0.0799 ;0.0902 ;0.2823 ;0.3261 ;0.1058 ;0.0036 ;0.1309 ;0 ;0.5816 ;0.75 ;0.2511 ;0.2239 ;0.0397 ;0 ;0.6598 ;0.6598 ;0.6568 ;0.0101 ;0.1672 ;0.2204 ;0.4908 ;0.1869 ;0.1626 ;0.24 ;0 ;0 ;0.0253 ;0.5724 ;0.4267 ;0.3051 ;0.5747 ;0.5389 ;0.1479 ;0.2386 ;0.3702 ;0.2375 ;0.3254 ;0.3428 ;0 ;0.2562 ;0.5322 ;0 ;0.0049 ;0.0845 ;0 ;0.2602 ;0.5514 ;0 ;0 ;0.0044 ;0 ;0 ;0.0654 ;0.3888 ;0.051 ;0.0269 ;0.6111 ;0.7082 ;0.631 ;0.2225 ;0.634 ;0.6552 ;0.6566 ;0.3375 ;0.4088 ;0.4181 ;0.5967 ;0.6402 ;0.563 ;0.0474 ;0.043 ;0.0042 ;0.0001 ;0.0036 ;0.4666 ;0.3344 ;0.3479 ;0.4758 ;0.7068 ;0.6399 ;0.5987 ;0.7672 ;0.2408 ;0.7971 ;0.7429 ;0.6203 ;0.6001 ;0.3516 ;0.0417 ;0.0417 ;0.2607 ;0.0728 ;0.0792 ;0.0021 ;0.1627 ;0.0747 ;0.1977 ;0.1612 ;0.0843 ;0.0324 ;0.0653 ;0.1097 ;0 ;0.6307 ;0.0938 ;0.0629 ;0.2921 ;0.6943 ;0.6946 ;0.6912 ;0.3134 ;0.0001 ;0.015 ;0.0814 ;0.0814 ;0.1128 ;0.1751 ;0.0334 ;0.0859 ;0.0843 ;0.0171 ;0.0621 ;0.0093 ;0.0114 ;0.079 ;0.0215 ;0.1336 ;0 ;0.4141 ;0.0169 ;0.0151 ;0.4956 ;0.8771 ;0.8772 ;0.8732 ;0 ;0.2241 ;0.284 ;0.5816 ;0.2044 ;0.171 ;0.207 ;0.0917 ;0.0071 ;0.0077 ;0.8194 ;0.0404 ;0.0337 ;0.5207 ;0.8974 ;0.1549 ;0.3868 ;0.5157 ;0.3681 ;0.5649 ;0.6938 ;0.4444 ;0.7318 ;0.7399 ;0 ;0.0474 ;0.2355 ;0.4444 ;0.7697 ;0.8692 ;0 ;0 ;0.0126 ;0.1111 ;0.0547 ;0.0552 ;0 ;0.2449 ;0.1339 ;0 ;0 ;0.0699 ;0.356 ;0.3914 ;0.3088 ;0.4014 ;0.036 ;0.1723 ;0.0374 ;0.5782 ;0.623 ;0.5426 ;0.3415 ;0.2213 ;0.0558 ;0.0219 ;0.0639 ;0.8559 ;0.5332 ;0.2984 ;0.4307 ;0.4184 ;0.3541 ;0.3873 ;0.2504 ;0.603 ;0.4457 ;0.8085 ;0.701 ;0.5881 ;0.3925 ;0.5075 ;0.5075 ;0.0338 ;0.128 ;0.006 ;0.4669 ;0.2535 ;0.0036 ;0.3988 ;0.298 ;0.0203 ;0.5095 ;0 ;0.2572 ;0.25 ;0.3293 ;0.3012 ;0.0054 ;0.2326 ;0.7948 ;0.7998 ;0.9337 ;0.0065 ;0.5955 ;0.613 ;0.2995 ;0.5653 ;0.5467 ;0.4643 ;0 ;0.0583 ;0.0099 ;0.7499 ;0.3607 ;0.2292 ;0.5088 ;0.7386 ;0.2671 ;0.3258 ;0.4455 ;0.5962 ;0.4559 ;0.5759 ;0.4444 ;0.5686 ;0.6776 ;0 ;0.0168 ;0.2095 ;0.4444 ;0.582 ;0.7895 ;0 ;0 ;0.0181 ;0 ;0 ;0.1957 ;0.1111 ;0.4873 ;0.2682 ;0.4444 ;0.063 ;0.0608 ;0.4542 ;0.4545 ;0.3446 ;0.4288 ;0.2311 ;0.3397 ;0.3225 ;0.5584 ;0.6107 ;0.5116 ;0.42 ;0.2244 ;0.0696 ;0.0002 ;0.0812 ;0.6113 ;0.4348 ;0.3795 ;0.4046 ;0.3033 ;0.4385 ;0.5958 ;0.5401 ;0.3195 ;0.4128 ;0.7609 ;0.6134 ;0.6144 ;0.337 ;0.0447 ;0.0447 ;0.0375 ;0.1673 ;0.0066 ;0.0529 ;0.1309 ;0.0034 ;0.191 ;0.1389 ;0.0803 ;0.0421 ;0.0009 ;0.0826 ;0.35 ;0.5564 ;0.0409 ;0.0078 ;0.2641 ;0.8621 ;0.8622 ;0.8582 ;0.0081 ;0.1284 ;0.1836 ;0.3296 ;0.1555 ;0.1281 ;0.165 ;0 ;0.0632 ;0.0281 ;0.7929 ;0.2477 ;0.1661 ;0.5283 ;0.8519 ;0.3209 ;0.5056 ;0.6165 ;0.5751 ;0.6812 ;0.7894 ;0.2555 ;0.5195 ;0.6588 ;0 ;0.064 ;0.2316 ;0.2555 ;0.5706 ;0.7898 ;0.1143 ;0.0335 ;0.0774 ;0 ;0.0064 ;0.021 ;0.2666 ;0.378 ;0.1574 ;0.3888 ;0.1107 ;0.0769 ;0.2902 ;0.519 ;0.4905 ;0.5282 ;0.1996 ;0.2876 ;0.2499 ;0.5061 ;0.5553 ;0.4656 ;0.3952 ;0.2605 ;0.064 ;0.0163 ;0.0799 ;0.799 ;0.5273 ;0.3366 ;0.3812 ;0.3788 ;0.5009 ;0.1316 ;0.6228 ;0.5374 ;0.6573 ;0.7012 ;0.6082 ;0.587 ;0.3594 ;0.6737 ;0.6737 ;0.1086 ;0.5956 ;0.5202 ;0.5936 ;0.3757 ;0.6289 ;0.0598 ;0.0524 ;0.2373 ;0.6877 ;0.0241 ;0.8049 ;0.25 ;0.136 ;0.0755 ;0.1472 ;0.1005 ;0.5563 ;0.566 ;0.7457 ;0 ;0.4199 ;0.5228 ;0.1403 ;0.6757 ;0.6498 ;0.5271 ;0 ;0.0078 ;0.0085 ;0.6113 ;0.4545 ;0.0996 ;0.212 ;0.505 ;0.1897 ;0.0934 ;0.074 ;0.7659 ;0.1802 ;0.2418 ;0.5 ;0.4755 ;0.6679 ;0 ;0.0878 ;0.1485 ;0.5 ;0.5457 ;0.731 ;0 ;0.0335 ;0.2631 ;0 ;0.2191 ;0.333 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0.022 ;0.0884 ;0.0499 ;0.1376 ;0.1356 ;0.1091 ;0.0225 ;0.7859 ;0.4291 ;0.132 ;0.5096 ;0.8028 ;0.3311 ;0.5202 ;0.419 ;0.5638 ;0.6721 ;0.7106 ;0.7407 ;0.7008 ;0.4246 ;0 ;0.1139 ;0.3528 ;0.7407 ;0.7918 ;0.6684 ;0 ;0 ;0.1399 ;0 ;0 ;0.0021 ;0 ;0.0255 ;0.172 ;0 ;0 ;0.1735 ;0.2625 ;0.5813 ;0.688 ;0.6123 ;0.3646 ;0.4094 ;0.3759 ;0.531 ;0.5765 ;0.4951 ;0.4182 ;0.3589 ;0.0578 ;0.0867 ;0.0738 ;0.6998 ;0.4598 ;0.3519 ;0.4274 ;0.6237 ;0.5957 ;0.2896 ;0.4997 ;0.7841 ;0.7769 ;0.492 ;0.5979 ;0.5945 ;0.3491 ;0.1767 ;0.1767 ;0.0893 ;0.0741 ;0.0158 ;0.0862 ;0.05 ;0.008 ;0.0776 ;0.0439 ;0.0131 ;0.1566 ;0 ;0.7464 ;0.5 ;0.2974 ;0.3309 ;0.3925 ;0 ;0.5657 ;0.5657 ;0.5632 ;0.0077 ;0.1547 ;0.2006 ;0.5408 ;0.1758 ;0.1754 ;0.2799 ;0 ;0 ;0.1418 ;0.2394 ;0.7057 ;0.4259 ;0.763 ;0.2072 ;0.2812 ;0.2516 ;0.1927 ;0.0403 ;0.3404 ;0.2843 ;0 ;0 ;0.0442 ;0 ;0 ;0.0116 ;0 ;0 ;0.0338 ;0 ;0 ;0.0126 ;0 ;0 ;0.2014 ;0 ;0 ;0.0874 ;1 ;1 ;0.6718 ;0.0759 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;0.5167 ;0.0036 ;0.1399 ;0.1903 ;0.5027 ;0.1759 ;0.1706 ;0.2632 ;0 ;0 ;0.0962 ;0.4523 ;0.6608 ;0.4507 ;0.7338 ;0.4096 ;0.2523 ;0.2756 ;0.406 ;0.0327 ;0.3389 ;0.3539 ;0 ;0.2302 ;0.2199 ;0 ;0 ;0.1024 ;0 ;0.2302 ;0.2726 ;0 ;0 ;0.0003 ;0 ;0 ;0.0188 ;0 ;0.0663 ;0.362 ;1 ;0.7287 ;0.4855 ;0.0604 ;0.9036 ;0.9322 ;0.9349 ;0.6207 ;0.6797 ;0.5911 ;0.6115 ;0.6536 ;0.5794 ;0 ;0.0406 ;0.0127 ;0 ;0.0105 ;0.3754 ;0.2692 ;0.3391 ;0.4793 ;0.685 ;0.9118 ;0.4682 ;0.1811 ;0.357 ;0.6748 ;0.7369 ;0.5773 ;0.7834 ;0.1736 ;0.834 ;0.834 ;0 ;0.2556 ;0 ;0.8518 ;0.3165 ;0 ;0.1511 ;0.9008 ;0.1055 ;0.8288 ;0 ;0.346 ;1 ;0.4156 ;0.6055 ;0.0865 ;0.0035 ;0.3363 ;0.3464 ;0.6473 ;0.0034 ;0.8051 ;0.63 ;0.4358 ;0.7969 ;0.7988 ;0.8175 ;0 ;0 ;0.0068 ;0.9169 ;0.6865 ;0.4156 ;0.5413 ;0.7938 ;0.4906 ;0.4424 ;0.543 ;0.7011 ;0.495 ;0.6287 ;0.1666 ;0.2896 ;0.1971 ;0.1666 ;0.5935 ;0.7807 ;0.3333 ;0.7633 ;0.8026 ;0 ;0 ;0.2004 ;0 ;0 ;0.065 ;0.5555 ;0.3674 ;0.1423 ;0.1111 ;0.0094 ;0.0163 ;0.5326 ;0.5034 ;0.4525 ;0.5056 ;0.417 ;0.5033 ;0.5093 ;0.6658 ;0.7139 ;0.6182 ;0.2364 ;0.3076 ;0.1695 ;0.0189 ;0.1951 ;0.449 ;0.2296 ;0.1796 ;0.2945 ;0.4225 ;0.4873 ;0.2867 ;0.4997 ;0.6691 ;0.7888 ;0.5842 ;0.6048 ;0.5839 ;0.361 ;0.1779 ;0.1779 ;0.0752 ;0.0337 ;0.0133 ;0.09 ;0.175 ;0.1795 ;0.0768 ;0.0629 ;0.0197 ;0.1627 ;0 ;0.7367 ;0.5 ;0.283 ;0.308 ;0.2008 ;0.0035 ;0.5615 ;0.5615 ;0.559 ;0.0043 ;0.1675 ;0.2156 ;0.5382 ;0.184 ;0.1821 ;0.277 ;0 ;0 ;0.0989 ;0.2845 ;0.6695 ;0.4274 ;0.7126 ;0.2596 ;0.2488 ;0.2523 ;0.2598 ;0.0363 ;0.3409 ;0.2974 ;0.037 ;0.2734 ;0.2312 ;0 ;0 ;0.0394 ;0.037 ;0.2734 ;0.2321 ;0 ;0 ;0.0058 ;0 ;0 ;0.1394 ;0 ;0.0221 ;0.1898 ;0.9629 ;0.7129 ;0.6409 ;0.0911 ;0.8658 ;0.918 ;0.9057 ;0.5944 ;0.6521 ;0.5714 ;0.6179 ;0.66 ;0.5858 ;0.0275 ;0.0228 ;0.0069 ;0.0001 ;0.0061 ;0.3151 ;0.3625 ;0.3569 ;0.4831 ;0.6933 ;0.8825 ;0.4744 ;0.4997 ;0.5191 ;0.6003 ;0.8667 ;0.5722 ;0.6688 ;0.2736 ;0.5 ;0.257 ;0.0374 ;0.6316 ;0.2874 ;0.2007 ;0.3028 ;0.1347 ;0.288 ;0.3605 ;0.57 ;0.6172 ;0.533 ;0.2838 ;0.1617 ;0.036 ;0.0243 ;0.0419 ;0.311 ;0.347 ;0.3605 ;0.5179 ;0.7241 ;0.2808 ;0.231 ;0.4997 ;0.3794 ;0.6905 ;0.7547 ;0.5912 ;0.6005 ;0.3418 ;0.6252 ;0.6252 ;0.1398 ;0.2229 ;0.3098 ;0.5633 ;0.2528 ;0.5749 ;0.077 ;0.0692 ;0.0139 ;0.6258 ;0.0016 ;0.7561 ;0.5 ;0.2343 ;0.4635 ;0.1757 ;0.2127 ;0.4593 ;0.4688 ;0.6416 ;0.0019 ;0.3746 ;0.4668 ;0.1907 ;0.6106 ;0.5867 ;0.5389 ;0 ;0.001 ;0.0095 ;0.3999 ;0.5029 ;0.3956 ;0.482 ;0.3147 ;0.288 ;0.1762 ;0.2173 ;0.7101 ;0.2862 ;0.261 ;0.1345 ;0.4295 ;0.5806 ;0.0585 ;0.2596 ;0.28 ;0.193 ;0.6367 ;0.7559 ;0 ;0.0119 ;0.0752 ;0 ;0.0214 ;0.3643 ;0 ;0 ;0.0088 ;0.807 ;0.3377 ;0.1314 ;0.6677 ;0.3904 ;0.3614 ;0.3949 ;0.4372 ;0.4422 ;0.4985 ;0.6082 ;0.6522 ;0.5742 ;0.1883 ;0.0495 ;0.0127 ;0.0057 ;0.014 ;0.2351 ;0.3829 ;0.3419 ;0.4659 ;0.733 ;0.4712 ;0.6894 ;0.1436 ;0.946 ;0.6767 ;0.7532 ;0.4588 ;0.6921 ;0.2113 ;0.0403 ;0.0403 ;0 ;0.0918 ;0.0669 ;0.0004 ;0.253 ;0.0341 ;0 ;0.1698 ;0.0993 ;0.0307 ;0 ;0.0019 ;1 ;0.7037 ;0.0921 ;0.0108 ;0.3063 ;0.6932 ;0.6935 ;0.6901 ;0.3714 ;0 ;0.0095 ;0.0112 ;0.0858 ;0.0474 ;0.1357 ;0.0733 ;0.1366 ;0.017 ;0.8454 ;0.4205 ;0.1137 ;0.5032 ;0.8561 ;0.432 ;0.6156 ;0.4958 ;0.5936 ;0.7561 ;0.813 ;0.7777 ;0.5567 ;0.367 ;0 ;0.0098 ;0.3724 ;0.7777 ;0.5646 ;0.6303 ;0 ;0.2012 ;0.1694 ;0 ;0 ;0.0023 ;0 ;0 ;0.1794 ;0 ;0 ;0.2267 ;0.2696 ;0.5718 ;0.6788 ;0.6023 ;0.3509 ;0.4015 ;0.3636 ;0.6521 ;0.6902 ;0.6223 ;0.3884 ;0.3801 ;0.1396 ;0.0067 ;0.1708 ;0.7152 ;0.4223 ;0.2226 ;0.3584 ;0.4745 ;0.5848 ;0.2238 ;0.3687 ;0.8433 ;0.8912 ;0.882 ;0.5241 ;0.8705 ;0.0767 ;0.6339 ;0.6339 ;0.0266 ;0.2919 ;0.1753 ;0.5656 ;0.3983 ;0.0904 ;0.0147 ;0.1017 ;0.1796 ;0.6477 ;0.0051 ;0.4468 ;0.6668 ;0.2045 ;0.0274 ;0.0887 ;0.2444 ;0.4965 ;0.5062 ;0.6788 ;0 ;0.3716 ;0.4159 ;0.1665 ;0.6307 ;0.6067 ;0.538 ;0.0061 ;0.0038 ;0.0031 ;0.8265 ;0.3792 ;0.2014 ;0.2826 ;0.749 ;0.1979 ;0.1986 ;0.16 ;0.7997 ;0.2757 ;0.4197 ;0.8704 ;0.8711 ;0.8069 ;0.0926 ;0.1468 ;0.2348 ;0.9629 ;0.9884 ;0.9316 ;0 ;0 ;0.0165 ;0 ;0 ;0.1945 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0.0115 ;0.593 ;0.268 ;0.2502 ;0.2823 ;0.2033 ;0.2508 ;0.3209 ;0.5471 ;0.6025 ;0.5001 ;0.5726 ;0.6158 ;0.3078 ;0.0404 ;0.3246 ;0.5038 ;0.3055 ;0.085 ;0.1047 ;0.3535 ;0.3009 ;0.1214 ;0.8709 ;0.8737 ;0.843 ;0.8843 ;0.6598 ;0.6348 ;0.3358 ;0.6427 ;0.6427 ;0.0564 ;0.9027 ;0.4163 ;0.5448 ;0.3103 ;0.3848 ;0.0311 ;0.5518 ;1 ;0.6569 ;0.0063 ;0.7351 ;0 ;0.1024 ;0.0442 ;0.2121 ;0.0762 ;0.58 ;0.5897 ;0.748 ;0 ;0.4088 ;0.4477 ;0.1474 ;0.6594 ;0.6118 ;0.4801 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0.6372 ;0.3413 ;0.3291 ;0.3091 ;0.5109 ;0.2096 ;0.1082 ;0.0872 ;0.7503 ;0.1364 ;0.2356 ;0.5 ;0.746 ;0.7331 ;0.5 ;0.1244 ;0.1564 ;1 ;0.8454 ;0.7986 ;0 ;0.0303 ;0.0269 ;0 ;0.2009 ;0.7144 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0.0046 ;0.5415 ;0.324 ;0.2967 ;0.3413 ;0.3307 ;0.3186 ;0.393 ;0.0683 ;0.1363 ;0.0299 ;0.3421 ;0.4908 ;0.4928 ;0.0193 ;0.6066 ;0.2843 ;0.1746 ;0.3268 ;0.3234 ;0.5251 ;0.3733 ;0.4265 ;0.4997 ;0.8417 ;0.8818 ;0.759 ;0.5876 ;0.5924 ;0.3453 ;0.6772 ;0.6772 ;0.0846 ;0.1293 ;0.3103 ;0.6957 ;0.2313 ;0.2053 ;0.0466 ;0.0385 ;0.1059 ;0.6677 ;0.0126 ;0.5992 ;0 ;0.413 ;0.6424 ;0.3386 ;0.0385 ;0.2352 ;0.2451 ;0.4877 ;0 ;0.4411 ;0.4889 ;0.0281 ;0.6045 ;0.6107 ;0.6409 ;0 ;0 ;0.0088 ;0.6208 ;0.3989 ;0.4088 ;0.5753 ;0.4951 ;0.4792 ;0.372 ;0.2996 ;0.6907 ;0.4573 ;0.4658 ;0.8888 ;0.6009 ;0.611 ;0.1111 ;0.417 ;0.3622 ;1 ;0.9337 ;0.851 ;0 ;0 ;0.1054 ;0 ;0 ;0.1991 ;0 ;0 ;0.0184 ;0 ;0.0662 ;0.038 ;0.6833 ;0.3732 ;0.3121 ;0.3932 ;0.4102 ;0.4075 ;0.4566 ;0.5881 ;0.6316 ;0.5545 ;0.2313 ;0.0791 ;0.0186 ;0.013 ;0.0244 ;0.2763 ;0.3236 ;0.346 ;0.4518 ;0.6578 ;0.4006 ;0.5231 ;0.5297 ;0.2265 ;0.4205 ;0.6981 ;0.5963 ;0.6202 ;0.3257 ;0.5086 ;0.5086 ;0.0077 ;0.3164 ;0.0015 ;0.49 ;0.1997 ;0.0009 ;0.1416 ;0.2642 ;0.0923 ;0.5073 ;0.0003 ;0.2112 ;0.9355 ;0.4854 ;0.2999 ;0.0125 ;0.071 ;0.611 ;0.6173 ;0.7682 ;0.0065 ;0.3813 ;0.4511 ;0.4234 ;0.5425 ;0.5229 ;0.5202 ;0.0327 ;0.1015 ;0.0199 ;0.8272 ;0.4151 ;0.192 ;0.4454 ;0.8114 ;0.4016 ;0.461 ;0.5024 ;0.7656 ;0.5923 ;0.7241 ;0.1129 ;0.368 ;0.4488 ;0.0197 ;0.1329 ;0.4076 ;0.1326 ;0.4741 ;0.7356 ;0.0507 ;0.1451 ;0.181 ;0 ;0.0084 ;0.0797 ;0.5268 ;0.3713 ;0.1292 ;0.2688 ;0.1277 ;0.0818 ;0.5106 ;0.3984 ;0.3466 ;0.3945 ;0.2363 ;0.3097 ;0.3369 ;0.5306 ;0.5785 ;0.4886 ;0.4417 ;0.2674 ;0.0333 ;0.005 ;0.0325 ;0.6451 ;0.4204 ;0.3271 ;0.3718 ;0.3642 ;0.4044 ;0.2278 ;0.4997 ;0.5301 ;0.7245 ;0.7304 ;0.6031 ;0.5987 ;0.3478 ;0.5784 ;0.5784 ;0.062 ;0.3375 ;0.2483 ;0.4771 ;0.2278 ;0.5345 ;0.0342 ;0.0572 ;0.0336 ;0.5894 ;0 ;0.7535 ;0.5 ;0.2291 ;0.2746 ;0.0956 ;0.1482 ;0.5471 ;0.5565 ;0.6874 ;0.0009 ;0.232 ;0.3417 ;0.1135 ;0.5919 ;0.5404 ;0.4293 ;0 ;0.0142 ;0.0117 ;0.3042 ;0.263 ;0.1942 ;0.1709 ;0.2344 ;0.284 ;0.1702 ;0.1371 ;0.7924 ;0.3058 ;0.2386 ;0.2962 ;0.5667 ;0.5376 ;0.2592 ;0.303 ;0.2578 ;0.5555 ;0.8086 ;0.6973 ;0 ;0.0833 ;0.0984 ;0 ;0 ;0.5034 ;0 ;0 ;0.0015 ;0.4444 ;0.1198 ;0.096 ;0.723 ;0.1932 ;0.2379 ;0.2036 ;0.1971 ;0.1806 ;0.2459 ;0.5938 ;0.6391 ;0.5585 ;0.1911 ;0.0399 ;0.0158 ;0.0001 ;0.0195 ;0.2137 ;0.4396 ;0.3476 ;0.4874 ;0.68 ;0.2471 ;0.2653 ;0.5562 ;0.457 ;0.6593 ;0.7857 ;0.5979 ;0.6404 ;0.3087 ;0.8109 ;0.8109 ;0.0106 ;0.4066 ;0.1105 ;0.7587 ;0.301 ;0.123 ;0.1711 ;0.3162 ;0.1726 ;0.8128 ;0 ;0.4594 ;0.8125 ;0.2192 ;0.5949 ;0.0357 ;0.0494 ;0.5313 ;0.5412 ;0.7905 ;0.0019 ;0.7161 ;0.7725 ;0.2981 ;0.79 ;0.7804 ;0.7036 ;0 ;0.0183 ;0.006 ;0.842 ;0.5288 ;0.3315 ;0.4626 ;0.7314 ;0.2794 ;0.2446 ;0.3298 ;0.7419 ;0.2959 ;0.4318 ;0.375 ;0.6179 ;0.5673 ;0.0972 ;0.1511 ;0.3528 ;0.4722 ;0.7385 ;0.8024 ;0 ;0.0023 ;0.0758 ;0 ;0.012 ;0.3121 ;0.375 ;0.2366 ;0.1014 ;0.1528 ;0.0725 ;0.0428 ;0.5814 ;0.4123 ;0.3081 ;0.3908 ;0.3331 ;0.4034 ;0.4627 ;0.507 ;0.5557 ;0.4668 ;0.3148 ;0.3024 ;0.0739 ;0.014 ;0.0752 ;0.4365 ;0.237 ;0.303 ;0.3161 ;0.4158 ;0.4291 ;0.9121 ;0.3172 ;0.9497 ;0.853 ;0.2533 ;0.5742 ;0.5983 ;0.3377 ;0.0418 ;0.0418 ;0.3209 ;0.1569 ;0.0991 ;0.052 ;0.0766 ;0.4131 ;0.2896 ;0.1371 ;0.1905 ;0.0418 ;0.2291 ;0.1701 ;0.0003 ;0.8872 ;0.572 ;0.0459 ;0.1457 ;0.0338 ;0.0339 ;0.0337 ;0.4245 ;0.0637 ;0.0046 ;0.3253 ;0 ;0.0037 ;0.0135 ;0.022 ;0.0068 ;0.2469 ;0.7071 ;0.7227 ;0.1756 ;0.6139 ;0.58 ;0.9291 ;0.9092 ;0.9552 ;0.8746 ;0.9286 ;0.9033 ;0.7777 ;0.8454 ;0.2525 ;0 ;0.0079 ;0.0047 ;0.7777 ;0.8517 ;0.2238 ;0.0286 ;0.1231 ;0.6666 ;0.0667 ;0.0575 ;0.447 ;0 ;0 ;0.0019 ;0 ;0 ;0.0497 ;0.3169 ;0.6188 ;0.5251 ;0.609 ;0.3841 ;0.4734 ;0.4677 ;0.6214 ;0.6569 ;0.5946 ;0.3477 ;0.2989 ;0.1345 ;0.252 ;0.174 ;0.3234 ;0.0423 ;0.3312 ;0.4356 ;0.7701 ;0.6123 ;0.4902 ;0.4997 ;0.3129 ;0.3539 ;0.5494 ;0.6237 ;0.5881 ;0.3642 ;0.105 ;0.105 ;0 ;0.1027 ;0 ;0.1205 ;0.1053 ;0 ;0.0155 ;0.0083 ;0.0895 ;0.0913 ;0 ;0.1596 ;1 ;0.4449 ;0.0743 ;0.0108 ;0.0385 ;0.994 ;0.994 ;0.9896 ;0 ;0.3432 ;0.4019 ;0.8894 ;0.2621 ;0.2351 ;0.2413 ;0 ;0.0199 ;0.0511 ;0.8571 ;0.3823 ;0.1154 ;0.5329 ;0.9773 ;0.1525 ;0.3885 ;0.5197 ;0.7314 ;0.5876 ;0.7918 ;0.2222 ;0.4842 ;0.3741 ;0 ;0.0217 ;0.4131 ;0.2222 ;0.5015 ;0.6699 ;0 ;0 ;0.2274 ;0 ;0 ;0.0256 ;0.3333 ;0.3929 ;0.1339 ;0.4444 ;0.1356 ;0.097 ;0.3112 ;0.5075 ;0.4456 ;0.4811 ;0.1287 ;0.2859 ;0.2838 ;0.5231 ;0.5714 ;0.4838 ;0.3103 ;0.21 ;0.0279 ;0.013 ;0.0313 ;0.969 ;0.6054 ;0.3482 ;0.4133 ;0.4425 ;0.4482 ;0.5912 ;0.5284 ;0.1727 ;0.5289 ;0.7946 ;0.5876 ;0.7006 ;0.2509 ;0.0338 ;0.0338 ;0.007 ;0.1329 ;0.0025 ;0.0428 ;0.1262 ;0.0006 ;0.1172 ;0.1544 ;0.1108 ;0.032 ;0 ;0.0662 ;1 ;0.5705 ;0.0482 ;0.0087 ;0.257 ;0.8515 ;0.8517 ;0.8476 ;0.0019 ;0.098 ;0.1537 ;0.2439 ;0.14 ;0.1139 ;0.1525 ;0 ;0.0864 ;0.0206 ;0.7476 ;0.2949 ;0.2125 ;0.5597 ;0.8009 ;0.3225 ;0.4986 ;0.5728 ;0.6132 ;0.677 ;0.7594 ;0.3055 ;0.6798 ;0.6723 ;0 ;0.0474 ;0.2502 ;0.3055 ;0.7176 ;0.8176 ;0 ;0 ;0.0429 ;0 ;0 ;0.0314 ;0.6944 ;0.3035 ;0.148 ;0 ;0.0292 ;0.0864 ;0.3001 ;0.5458 ;0.5351 ;0.5624 ;0.2711 ;0.3299 ;0.3174 ;0.5095 ;0.5584 ;0.4689 ;0.4265 ;0.3914 ;0.1161 ;0.0004 ;0.1318 ;0.7636 ;0.5348 ;0.2557 ;0.2667 ;0.3332 ;0.5521 ;0.3288 ;0.4997 ;0.5858 ;0.7926 ;0.8565 ;0.5948 ;0.5924 ;0.3506 ;0.1297 ;0.1297 ;0.2071 ;0.0633 ;0.1195 ;0.076 ;0.1281 ;0.2985 ;0.1308 ;0.1032 ;0.0139 ;0.123 ;0 ;0.5484 ;0.5 ;0.3271 ;0.2182 ;0.0436 ;0.0064 ;0.6737 ;0.6738 ;0.6707 ;0.0098 ;0.1479 ;0.2132 ;0.395 ;0.1853 ;0.1564 ;0.2259 ;0 ;0.0074 ;0.0179 ;0.4596 ;0.4417 ;0.3366 ;0.6449 ;0.4446 ;0.1966 ;0.2692 ;0.3775 ;0.4266 ;0.4018 ;0.3644 ;0 ;0.3126 ;0.6019 ;0 ;0.0233 ;0.0862 ;0 ;0.3312 ;0.6182 ;0 ;0 ;0.0068 ;0 ;0.0182 ;0.0621 ;0.0444 ;0.0112 ;0.0397 ;0.9555 ;0.6183 ;0.5068 ;0.2516 ;0.647 ;0.6498 ;0.6712 ;0.3661 ;0.4644 ;0.4648 ;0.5931 ;0.6368 ;0.5591 ;0.0975 ;0.0571 ;0.0083 ;0 ;0.0084 ;0.4426 ;0.458 ;0.3493 ;0.4655 ;0.6857 ;0.6733 ;0.1287 ;0.5352 ;0.8145 ;0.8642 ;0.7685 ;0.622 ;0.7803 ;0.1921 ;0.6483 ;0.6483 ;0.0094 ;0.566 ;0.3089 ;0.5592 ;0.3279 ;0.2507 ;0.0052 ;0.3599 ;0.5438 ;0.6631 ;0 ;0.6136 ;0.6667 ;0.1149 ;0.0323 ;0.1534 ;0.2501 ;0.5615 ;0.5711 ;0.7367 ;0.0012 ;0.4156 ;0.4598 ;0.092 ;0.6588 ;0.6212 ;0.4994 ;0 ;0 ;0.0012 ;0.713 ;0.3511 ;0.285 ;0.3057 ;0.6028 ;0.1658 ;0.1131 ;0.0911 ;0.7588 ;0.157 ;0.2685 ;0.7315 ;0.9084 ;0.7506 ;0.1574 ;0.0704 ;0.1211 ;0.8889 ;0.9647 ;0.7862 ;0 ;0 ;0.0998 ;0 ;0.0228 ;0.5791 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0.1111 ;0.0194 ;0.0098 ;0.5428 ;0.3171 ;0.3008 ;0.334 ;0.2867 ;0.279 ;0.3509 ;0.5566 ;0.6005 ;0.5212 ;0.3974 ;0.4494 ;0.2494 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;0.1454 ;0.2506 ;0.2986 ;0.506 ;0.5588 ;0.4125 ;0.5767 ;0.3795 ;0.0449 ;0.007 ;0.0427 ;0.624 ;0.4505 ;0.3288 ;0.3273 ;0.2744 ;0.3602 ;0.3931 ;0.612 ;0.5553 ;0.5944 ;0.8205 ;0.6036 ;0.6066 ;0.3409 ;0.8256 ;0.8256 ;0.0361 ;0.3859 ;0.0064 ;0.7702 ;0.2489 ;0.0035 ;0.2351 ;0.2986 ;0.0704 ;0.8257 ;0.0025 ;0.3375 ;0.55 ;0.3551 ;0.632 ;0.0073 ;0.027 ;0.5395 ;0.5493 ;0.8017 ;0.0055 ;0.6141 ;0.7302 ;0.3394 ;0.8109 ;0.7956 ;0.7369 ;0 ;0.0243 ;0.0071 ;0.7846 ;0.5527 ;0.2812 ;0.4636 ;0.7 ;0.3948 ;0.358 ;0.4285 ;0.7877 ;0.44 ;0.559 ;0.2611 ;0.4462 ;0.5591 ;0.0167 ;0.1499 ;0.3742 ;0.2778 ;0.5659 ;0.8122 ;0.0714 ;0.1055 ;0.1111 ;0 ;0.0169 ;0.1627 ;0.2 ;0.275 ;0.0954 ;0.4666 ;0.1441 ;0.0533 ;0.5995 ;0.4008 ;0.3026 ;0.3749 ;0.3109 ;0.3911 ;0.4492 ;0.5461 ;0.5941 ;0.5069 ;0.4279 ;0.336 ;0.0683 ;0.0049 ;0.0808 ;0.4654 ;0.3093 ;0.3403 ;0.3627 ;0.3519 ;0.423 ;0.4899 ;0.4997 ;0.5918 ;0.4588 ;0.6532 ;0.6123 ;0.5867 ;0.361 ;0.8883 ;0.8883 ;0.027 ;0.206 ;0.0051 ;0.8528 ;0.1149 ;0.0022 ;0.135 ;0.2323 ;0.058 ;0.8933 ;0.001 ;0.3364 ;0.5002 ;0.4502 ;0.3239 ;0.0029 ;0.0378 ;0.5367 ;0.5467 ;0.8325 ;0.0133 ;0.5201 ;0.7248 ;0.512 ;0.8844 ;0.8792 ;0.8082 ;0.0061 ;0.0531 ;0.0148 ;0.784 ;0.614 ;0.2597 ;0.4065 ;0.7023 ;0.5016 ;0.4433 ;0.4956 ;0.7953 ;0.5404 ;0.6569 ;0.3333 ;0.321 ;0.5301 ;0 ;0.0206 ;0.1674 ;0.3333 ;0.3375 ;0.6168 ;0.0317 ;0.1781 ;0.2887 ;0 ;0.0046 ;0.1602 ;0.2222 ;0.36 ;0.1108 ;0.395 ;0.2754 ;0.1583 ;0.721 ;0.3447 ;0.2698 ;0.3255 ;0.3781 ;0.3901 ;0.463 ;0.5552 ;0.602 ;0.5182 ;0.4036 ;0.1835 ;0.0147 ;0.0013 ;0.0147 ;0.4699 ;0.3492 ;0.3567 ;0.4246 ;0.3987 ;0.381 ;0.5721 ;0.3946 ;0.4941 ;0.581 ;0.8328 ;0.5913 ;0.6336 ;0.3116 ;0.2442 ;0.2442 ;0.0298 ;0.2278 ;0.0053 ;0.225 ;0.1443 ;0.0031 ;0.2222 ;0.2492 ;0.1825 ;0.2463 ;0.0013 ;0.0953 ;0.5003 ;0.5497 ;0.1152 ;0.0306 ;0.0898 ;0.6433 ;0.6476 ;0.7103 ;0.0018 ;0.1014 ;0.1534 ;0.0514 ;0.2876 ;0.2642 ;0.2931 ;0.1293 ;0.1368 ;0.0179 ;0.7496 ;0.324 ;0.1691 ;0.4158 ;0.7517 ;0.4095 ;0.5008 ;0.5222 ;0.7176 ;0.6552 ;0.7338 ;0.3412 ;0.4914 ;0.6374 ;0.0714 ;0.1939 ;0.3309 ;0.4127 ;0.6462 ;0.8504 ;0 ;0 ;0.0485 ;0 ;0.0293 ;0.0771 ;0.2063 ;0.2558 ;0.1013 ;0.254 ;0.0658 ;0.044 ;0.3837 ;0.4469 ;0.4243 ;0.4615 ;0.1884 ;0.2861 ;0.3082 ;0.5557 ;0.6061 ;0.5087 ;0.4876 ;0.3647 ;0.09 ;0.0029 ;0.0988 ;0.6481 ;0.4731 ;0.3052 ;0.305 ;0.2873 ;0.4489 ;0.5304 ;0.6903 ;0.8577 ;0.7842 ;0.7298 ;0.6134 ;0.5064 ;0.433 ;0.4864 ;0.4864 ;0.054 ;0.4398 ;0.0136 ;0.42 ;0.0833 ;0.0303 ;0.1669 ;0.2669 ;0.0856 ;0.4739 ;0.0063 ;0.2217 ;0.25 ;0.4884 ;0.3932 ;0.0129 ;0.1177 ;0.5705 ;0.5756 ;0.713 ;0.1086 ;0.4676 ;0.4901 ;0.2255 ;0.4703 ;0.4693 ;0.4727 ;0 ;0.1188 ;0.0467 ;0.8677 ;0.4079 ;0.2667 ;0.4836 ;0.8079 ;0.4176 ;0.4931 ;0.5876 ;0.7153 ;0.5678 ;0.6697 ;0.8333 ;0.6726 ;0.3267 ;0 ;0.1136 ;0.4515 ;0.8333 ;0.7634 ;0.6568 ;0 ;0 ;0.0947 ;0 ;0.0525 ;0.2088 ;0 ;0.0153 ;0.1086 ;0.1666 ;0.082 ;0.1401 ;0.3647 ;0.5497 ;0.4454 ;0.5077 ;0.3131 ;0.3723 ;0.4071 ;0.5227 ;0.566 ;0.487 ;0.3609 ;0.3899 ;0.1337 ;0.0067 ;0.1594 ;0.5677 ;0.2621 ;0.4313 ;0.3081 ;0.478 ;0.5107 ;0.2451 ;0.4997 ;0.6135 ;0.453 ;0.3014 ;0.5876 ;0.586 ;0.3528 ;0.1455 ;0.1455 ;0.0282 ;0.002 ;0.005 ;0.0968 ;0.1073 ;0.1727 ;0.0932 ;0.0237 ;0 ;0.1491 ;0 ;0.4992 ;0.5 ;0.2489 ;0.404 ;0.0482 ;0.0076 ;0.715 ;0.715 ;0.7118 ;0 ;0.2624 ;0.331 ;0.5502 ;0.2259 ;0.1923 ;0.2586 ;0 ;0.101 ;0.0698 ;0.6146 ;0.2185 ;0.1718 ;0.4521 ;0.6027 ;0.0551 ;0.1978 ;0.3307 ;0.6435 ;0.3381 ;0.3294 ;0 ;0.1908 ;0.1763 ;0 ;0.1007 ;0.1364 ;0 ;0.2712 ;0.2592 ;0 ;0 ;0.1964 ;0 ;0 ;0.0074 ;0 ;0.5 ;0.8464 ;1 ;0.3627 ;0.116 ;0.3723 ;0.4276 ;0.4367 ;0.4233 ;0.1738 ;0.2115 ;0.2212 ;0.5914 ;0.6355 ;0.557 ;0.1689 ;0.0187 ;0.0089 ;0 ;0.0081 ;0.5436 ;0.4849 ;0.3573 ;0.4871 ;0.7994 ;0.4079 ;0.2113 ;0.4997 ;0.6842 ;0.7933 ;0.8289 ;0.5959 ;0.5928 ;0.3506 ;0.613 ;0.613 ;0.4985 ;0.5137 ;0.3851 ;0.5319 ;0.4065 ;0.3714 ;0.2745 ;0.0514 ;0.0169 ;0.6228 ;0 ;0.7286 ;0.6 ;0.2009 ;0.2008 ;0.0863 ;0.6407 ;0.5048 ;0.5144 ;0.672 ;0.0019 ;0.3227 ;0.3776 ;0.2211 ;0.6164 ;0.5713 ;0.4964 ;0 ;0.0014 ;0.0038 ;0.5463 ;0.4354 ;0.3911 ;0.371 ;0.4486 ;0.2688 ;0.1794 ;0.1445 ;0.7915 ;0.2526 ;0.2985 ;0 ;0.4261 ;0.6302 ;0 ;0.2707 ;0.3525 ;0 ;0.6422 ;0.8612 ;0 ;0 ;0.0319 ;0 ;0.0493 ;0.2488 ;0 ;0 ;0.0113 ;1 ;0.3236 ;0.089 ;0.6813 ;0.2995 ;0.3004 ;0.3155 ;0.3991 ;0.3692 ;0.4467 ;0.5987 ;0.6437 ;0.5638 ;0.3251 ;0.0328 ;0.0035 ;0 ;0.0035 ;0.2965 ;0.2841 ;0.3511 ;0.4733 ;0.7789 ;0.4157 ;0.2462 ;0.4997 ;0.8458 ;0.8077 ;0.8681 ;0.595 ;0.5957 ;0.3469 ;0.5584 ;0.5584 ;0.2485 ;0.5221 ;0.474 ;0.4875 ;0.4822 ;0.6085 ;0.1369 ;0.055 ;0.0012 ;0.5603 ;0.0208 ;0.738 ;0.3572 ;0.2596 ;0.2414 ;0.3041 ;0.3556 ;0.4514 ;0.4607 ;0.6023 ;0.0024 ;0.267 ;0.3461 ;0.1646 ;0.5475 ;0.5251 ;0.4999 ;0 ;0.0057 ;0.0019 ;0.4154 ;0.6373 ;0.4067 ;0.5666 ;0.3538 ;0.2795 ;0.1726 ;0.2209 ;0.6783 ;0.3272 ;0.3154 ;0.1032 ;0.4988 ;0.6236 ;0.3254 ;0.3314 ;0.3752 ;0.4285 ;0.7634 ;0.8735 ;0 ;0 ;0.0122 ;0 ;0.0045 ;0.1323 ;0 ;0 ;0.0363 ;0.5714 ;0.2154 ;0.1039 ;0.5977 ;0.4913 ;0.4832 ;0.5012 ;0.517 ;0.5816 ;0.6071 ;0.6112 ;0.6547 ;0.5776 ;0.3242 ;0.0503 ;0.0167 ;0.0259 ;0.0209 ;0.3049 ;0.5178 ;0.3474 ;0.4735 ;0.7329 ;0.62 ;0.2949 ;0.4997 ;0.8568 ;0.8548 ;0.7848 ;0.5898 ;0.5993 ;0.3412 ;0.1768 ;0.1768 ;0.2744 ;0.1038 ;0.1415 ;0.0984 ;0.1358 ;0.243 ;0.2264 ;0.0953 ;0.0005 ;0.1655 ;0 ;0.5912 ;0.5714 ;0.2881 ;0.1963 ;0.1048 ;0.0136 ;0.5952 ;0.5964 ;0.5997 ;0.0034 ;0.126 ;0.2028 ;0.3208 ;0.2051 ;0.1905 ;0.2472 ;0 ;0.0008 ;0.0266 ;0.5176 ;0.5255 ;0.3937 ;0.689 ;0.4937 ;0.1886 ;0.2466 ;0.3596 ;0.3699 ;0.3651 ;0.3706 ;0 ;0.2996 ;0.4594 ;0.1429 ;0.1524 ;0.1893 ;0.1429 ;0.4213 ;0.5682 ;0 ;0.0557 ;0.0408 ;0 ;0 ;0.1229 ;0 ;0.0146 ;0.0818 ;0.8571 ;0.5398 ;0.4602 ;0.2623 ;0.7332 ;0.7198 ;0.739 ;0.4954 ;0.5866 ;0.5374 ;0.6045 ;0.6473 ;0.5714 ;0.0636 ;0.0687 ;0.0109 ;0 ;0.011 ;0.4575 ;0.4245 ;0.3422 ;0.4635 ;0.6969 ;0.7602 ;0.3292 ;0.4795 ;0.8785 ;0.8419 ;0.7612 ;0.6025 ;0.5942 ;0.3518 ;0.1422 ;0.1422 ;0.2957 ;0.0996 ;0.1676 ;0.0809 ;0.1596 ;0.2486 ;0.1684 ;0.1013 ;0.0101 ;0.1367 ;0.001 ;0.5329 ;0.5 ;0.3235 ;0.2095 ;0.124 ;0.026 ;0.6594 ;0.6605 ;0.6622 ;0.0064 ;0.1238 ;0.1899 ;0.3453 ;0.1894 ;0.1685 ;0.2308 ;0 ;0.0084 ;0.0258 ;0.4912 ;0.3649 ;0.2909 ;0.5612 ;0.4623 ;0.2117 ;0.2768 ;0.3443 ;0.505 ;0.3993 ;0.3651 ;0.1481 ;0.3129 ;0.5621 ;0 ;0.0193 ;0.0826 ;0.1481 ;0.3284 ;0.578 ;0 ;0.0359 ;0.0231 ;0 ;0.0071 ;0.1396 ;0 ;0.0516 ;0.1554 ;0.8518 ;0.6049 ;0.4342 ;0.2558 ;0.6147 ;0.6194 ;0.6234 ;0.3321 ;0.4048 ;0.3847 ;0.6012 ;0.6442 ;0.5678 ;0.0793 ;0.0701 ;0.0259 ;0.0011 ;0.0327 ;0.4284 ;0.4222 ;0.352 ;0.4721 ;0.7075 ;0.6083 ;0.2858 ;0.4997 ;0.5583 ;0.5666 ;0.7363 ;0.6254 ;0.6023 ;0.3522 ;0.7583 ;0.7583 ;0.0282 ;0.4487 ;0.005 ;0.7 ;0.2991 ;0.0025 ;0.0645 ;0.1155 ;0.0207 ;0.7647 ;0 ;0.3997 ;0.3333 ;0.2757 ;0.3267 ;0.0361 ;0.0025 ;0.5297 ;0.5395 ;0.7651 ;0.0048 ;0.6493 ;0.7001 ;0.25 ;0.7373 ;0.7325 ;0.6379 ;0 ;0.0787 ;0.0073 ;0.9233 ;0.4487 ;0.2618 ;0.3079 ;0.8331 ;0.2495 ;0.2581 ;0.2671 ;0.8194 ;0.3313 ;0.486 ;0.4629 ;0.409 ;0.415 ;0.0185 ;0.1304 ;0.4489 ;0.4814 ;0.5131 ;0.7374 ;0.0476 ;0.1666 ;0.1297 ;0 ;0.0411 ;0.4934 ;0 ;0 ;0.0057 ;0.4814 ;0.2681 ;0.0659 ;0.6838 ;0.3143 ;0.2206 ;0.2962 ;0.2822 ;0.3098 ;0.3836 ;0.5511 ;0.597 ;0.5047 ;0.5525 ;0.311 ;0.0402 ;0.0067 ;0.0459 ;0.5274 ;0.2922 ;0.3419 ;0.3366 ;0.2525 ;0.3403 ;0.2424 ;0.4997 ;0.5653 ;0.721 ;0.7406 ;0.5979 ;0.5958 ;0.3475 ;0.4209 ;0.4209 ;0.1702 ;0.1937 ;0.1914 ;0.3224 ;0.137 ;0.3458 ;0.0976 ;0.0589 ;0.0231 ;0.4166 ;0 ;0.7193 ;0.5 ;0.245 ;0.208 ;0.1281 ;0.1635 ;0.5249 ;0.5307 ;0.6066 ;0.003 ;0.2208 ;0.3134 ;0.2295 ;0.4284 ;0.4031 ;0.3792 ;0 ;0.003 ;0.0278 ;0.4404 ;0.5724 ;0.44 ;0.5783 ;0.3915 ;0.2434 ;0.1921 ;0.2343 ;0.5676 ;0.3056 ;0.3252 ;0.1111 ;0.4959 ;0.5307 ;0.0808 ;0.1579 ;0.2572 ;0.1919 ;0.622 ;0.6903 ;0 ;0 ;0.0471 ;0.0202 ;0.0286 ;0.2055 ;0 ;0.006 ;0.0531 ;0.7879 ;0.3461 ;0.2543 ;0.5051 ;0.558 ;0.5403 ;0.5675 ;0.5354 ;0.5388 ;0.5378 ;0.6128 ;0.6561 ;0.5795 ;0.1584 ;0.0466 ;0.0117 ;0.0062 ;0.0134 ;0.3519 ;0.4081 ;0.3467 ;0.4695 ;0.7195 ;0.6417 ;0.2138 ;0.4997 ;0.5741 ;0.7233 ;0.7448 ;0.586 ;0.6035 ;0.3366 ;0.3433 ;0.3433 ;0.0818 ;0.0637 ;0.124 ;0.2383 ;0.1765 ;0.4119 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;0.7487 ;0.5876 ;0.6762 ;0.2736 ;0.5707 ;0.5707 ;0.054 ;0.1313 ;0.3205 ;0.4322 ;0.4028 ;0.9763 ;0.0298 ;0.1899 ;0.1064 ;0.5826 ;0.0031 ;0.7366 ;0.0001 ;0.1784 ;0.4116 ;0.041 ;0.0076 ;0.709 ;0.7182 ;0.8198 ;0 ;0.2582 ;0.4399 ;0.1287 ;0.6339 ;0.5639 ;0.3637 ;0.4717 ;0.0903 ;0.0044 ;0.1171 ;0.455 ;0.1186 ;0.2462 ;0.083 ;0.1717 ;0.064 ;0.0516 ;0.7185 ;0.2543 ;0.1103 ;0.4166 ;0.3966 ;0.48 ;0.1388 ;0.4416 ;0.2708 ;0.5555 ;0.7492 ;0.6538 ;0 ;0 ;0.0581 ;0 ;0 ;0.7585 ;0 ;0 ;0.0057 ;0.1111 ;0.1308 ;0.143 ;0.8773 ;0.1723 ;0.1978 ;0.1815 ;0.2131 ;0.2405 ;0.2769 ;0.5822 ;0.6282 ;0.5459 ;0.1807 ;0.2369 ;0.1392 ;0.013 ;0.1698 ;0.1805 ;0.6096 ;0.2789 ;0.3711 ;0.487 ;0.3133 ;0.313 ;0.5511 ;0.6874 ;0.7427 ;0.7525 ;0.5945 ;0.5935 ;0.3484 ;0.2535 ;0.2535 ;0.1935 ;0.0531 ;0.098 ;0.1693 ;0.1737 ;0.2305 ;0.1414 ;0.0825 ;0.0219 ;0.2481 ;0.0126 ;0.6423 ;0.5556 ;0.321 ;0.3274 ;0.0752 ;0.049 ;0.6468 ;0.6498 ;0.6717 ;0.0032 ;0.1818 ;0.2532 ;0.304 ;0.2977 ;0.2661 ;0.2964 ;0.0102 ;0.2273 ;0.0676 ;0.2831 ;0.4428 ;0.271 ;0.5337 ;0.2633 ;0.2531 ;0.2546 ;0.28 ;0.507 ;0.3923 ;0.3074 ;0.1666 ;0.4831 ;0.5281 ;0.0062 ;0.1122 ;0.155 ;0.1728 ;0.5727 ;0.6049 ;0 ;0 ;0.0316 ;0 ;0.0106 ;0.1567 ;0.0741 ;0.0828 ;0.0596 ;0.7284 ;0.2604 ;0.3177 ;0.2836 ;0.6038 ;0.6068 ;0.6327 ;0.3429 ;0.4308 ;0.4133 ;0.5583 ;0.6034 ;0.5232 ;0.2315 ;0.1059 ;0.0521 ;0.0127 ;0.0629 ;0.3222 ;0.4688 ;0.3488 ;0.4921 ;0.7606 ;0.6145 ;0.2441 ;0.4997 ;0.7782 ;0.8198 ;0.7714 ;0.6037 ;0.5886 ;0.3568 ;0.3043 ;0.3043 ;0.2691 ;0.084 ;0.1455 ;0.2048 ;0.1632 ;0.3844 ;0.1998 ;0.0698 ;0.0136 ;0.2991 ;0 ;0.7349 ;0.5556 ;0.2544 ;0.3239 ;0.0648 ;0.0305 ;0.6203 ;0.6232 ;0.6525 ;0.0087 ;0.2198 ;0.324 ;0.2942 ;0.3353 ;0.3119 ;0.3136 ;0.0061 ;0.0041 ;0.0123 ;0.3324 ;0.5062 ;0.3538 ;0.5777 ;0.3006 ;0.2146 ;0.1887 ;0.2923 ;0.4267 ;0.319 ;0.2772 ;0.0741 ;0.3969 ;0.6019 ;0 ;0.0344 ;0.0702 ;0.0741 ;0.4244 ;0.6052 ;0 ;0 ;0.0505 ;0 ;0.0198 ;0.1545 ;0.0247 ;0.0187 ;0.0805 ;0.9012 ;0.544 ;0.4575 ;0.3723 ;0.5919 ;0.592 ;0.6107 ;0.4123 ;0.4648 ;0.4661 ;0.6109 ;0.6543 ;0.5773 ;0.1915 ;0.0412 ;0.0076 ;0.0001 ;0.0076 ;0.3264 ;0.466 ;0.3551 ;0.4789 ;0.7262 ;0.6382 ;0.2545 ;0.4997 ;0.4725 ;0.7196 ;0.6693 ;0.5934 ;0.5959 ;0.3461 ;0.2895 ;0.2895 ;0.1145 ;0.0586 ;0.1061 ;0.1875 ;0.1395 ;0.282 ;0.1187 ;0.0534 ;0.0259 ;0.2802 ;0.0007 ;0.6988 ;0.5 ;0.2526 ;0.3063 ;0.1553 ;0.0374 ;0.5836 ;0.5865 ;0.6119 ;0.0036 ;0.1975 ;0.2828 ;0.3673 ;0.3123 ;0.2922 ;0.3061 ;0 ;0.0085 ;0.0844 ;0.4061 ;0.5208 ;0.3851 ;0.5862 ;0.3725 ;0.217 ;0.211 ;0.2797 ;0.4343 ;0.322 ;0.3162 ;0.0864 ;0.4575 ;0.4924 ;0 ;0.0397 ;0.094 ;0.0864 ;0.4893 ;0.5218 ;0 ;0 ;0.0395 ;0.0247 ;0.0066 ;0.1264 ;0 ;0.0221 ;0.0926 ;0.8889 ;0.4742 ;0.4772 ;0.3503 ;0.633 ;0.6477 ;0.6525 ;0.4796 ;0.4995 ;0.4689 ;0.6089 ;0.652 ;0.5756 ;0.128 ;0.0397 ;0.0118 ;0.0027 ;0.0138 ;0.368 ;0.4051 ;0.3455 ;0.4745 ;0.7072 ;0.6748 ;0.4352 ;0.4997 ;0.2202 ;0.5516 ;0.8441 ;0.5928 ;0.6072 ;0.3358 ;0.9613 ;0.9613 ;0 ;0.6803 ;0 ;0.9247 ;0.3295 ;0 ;0.1209 ;0.4392 ;0.019 ;0.9603 ;0 ;0.333 ;1 ;0.4163 ;0.5404 ;0.0054 ;0.0114 ;0.5767 ;0.5868 ;0.8994 ;0.004 ;0.6429 ;0.9329 ;0.6554 ;0.9502 ;0.9472 ;0.8771 ;0 ;0.0583 ;0.0052 ;0.7696 ;0.6153 ;0.2803 ;0.5057 ;0.673 ;0.4633 ;0.3846 ;0.4841 ;0.7847 ;0.4864 ;0.5882 ;0 ;0.3399 ;0.702 ;0 ;0.2677 ;0.235 ;0 ;0.5536 ;0.8333 ;0 ;0 ;0.0676 ;0 ;0 ;0.1263 ;0.6666 ;0.347 ;0.1046 ;0.3333 ;0.1734 ;0.0762 ;0.6049 ;0.4146 ;0.3234 ;0.3794 ;0.288 ;0.4191 ;0.4789 ;0.5443 ;0.5952 ;0.495 ;0.3276 ;0.2896 ;0.0129 ;0.0002 ;0.0135 ;0.4304 ;0.381 ;0.3375 ;0.3648 ;0.3934 ;0.457 ;0.3703 ;0.4997 ;0.7123 ;0.8412 ;0.7905 ;0.6031 ;0.5924 ;0.3528 ;0.2217 ;0.2217 ;0.1701 ;0.0395 ;0.0965 ;0.1349 ;0.1675 ;0.2733 ;0.1737 ;0.1078 ;0.0041 ;0.2111 ;0.0682 ;0.5196 ;0.25 ;0.4113 ;0.1704 ;0.0935 ;0.0392 ;0.6219 ;0.6262 ;0.6456 ;0.1406 ;0.0474 ;0.149 ;0.0222 ;0.2519 ;0.2247 ;0.2544 ;0 ;0.0057 ;0.0209 ;0.4319 ;0.694 ;0.4112 ;0.7346 ;0.4569 ;0.234 ;0.2602 ;0.3025 ;0.497 ;0.4856 ;0.4619 ;0.25 ;0.3832 ;0.4892 ;0.25 ;0.4307 ;0.266 ;0.5 ;0.727 ;0.6585 ;0 ;0 ;0.0458 ;0 ;0 ;0.2253 ;0 ;0.0127 ;0.0931 ;0.5 ;0.2318 ;0.2546 ;0.4474 ;0.6819 ;0.7052 ;0.6823 ;0.6449 ;0.6848 ;0.6669 ;0.5937 ;0.6372 ;0.5598 ;0.2722 ;0.1201 ;0.0076 ;0.0822 ;0.0066 ;0.5156 ;0.7104 ;0.3504 ;0.4311 ;0.7178 ;0.7961 ;0.4846 ;0.4997 ;0.9313 ;0.7782 ;0.8677 ;0.5696 ;0.6263 ;0.3104 ;0.0783 ;0.0783 ;0.1729 ;0.1018 ;0.0319 ;0.083 ;0.0641 ;0.0163 ;0.0986 ;0.0307 ;0.0402 ;0.0763 ;0.0398 ;0.1593 ;0 ;0.4482 ;0.004 ;0.0755 ;0.2136 ;0.8739 ;0.874 ;0.87 ;0 ;0.2153 ;0.2746 ;0.5564 ;0.2 ;0.1668 ;0.2035 ;0 ;0.005 ;0.0069 ;0.8332 ;0.0066 ;0.0208 ;0.5208 ;0.9081 ;0.1672 ;0.3991 ;0.5266 ;0.3718 ;0.5724 ;0.7042 ;0.3055 ;0.3375 ;0.6924 ;0.6944 ;0.6442 ;0.3143 ;1 ;0.8517 ;0.8886 ;0 ;0 ;0.0035 ;0 ;0 ;0.0267 ;0 ;0.1657 ;0.1571 ;0 ;0.0426 ;0.0461 ;0.3679 ;0.3832 ;0.2857 ;0.395 ;0.0231 ;0.1702 ;0.0089 ;0.5373 ;0.5843 ;0.4997 ;0.3602 ;0.181 ;0.0256 ;0.0465 ;0.0091 ;0.8555 ;0.5174 ;0.3126 ;0.5116 ;0.4658 ;0.3433 ;0.2426 ;0.4997 ;0.5785 ;0.593 ;0.7305 ;0.6044 ;0.5865 ;0.3575 ;0.2532 ;0.2532 ;0.024 ;0.151 ;0.1656 ;0.2085 ;0.271 ;0.3463 ;0.0919 ;0.0431 ;0.0218 ;0.256 ;0 ;0.6064 ;0.75 ;0.2288 ;0.2404 ;0.0792 ;0 ;0.642 ;0.6445 ;0.6871 ;0.0063 ;0.2376 ;0.2909 ;0.4904 ;0.3013 ;0.2781 ;0.3289 ;0 ;0 ;0.0264 ;0.5362 ;0.4158 ;0.2287 ;0.4799 ;0.4852 ;0.1686 ;0.2102 ;0.3061 ;0.4794 ;0.3072 ;0.303 ;0 ;0.3201 ;0.6048 ;0 ;0.0128 ;0.0877 ;0 ;0.3304 ;0.6221 ;0 ;0.0122 ;0.0494 ;0 ;0.0171 ;0.1344 ;0.0833 ;0.2385 ;0.1654 ;0.9166 ;0.5039 ;0.3165 ;0.3841 ;0.4933 ;0.489 ;0.5118 ;0.2664 ;0.366 ;0.3752 ;0.595 ;0.6392 ;0.5607 ;0.1752 ;0.046 ;0.0057 ;0.0001 ;0.0055 ;0.4011 ;0.3587 ;0.3571 ;0.4733 ;0.695 ;0.5051 ;0.1098 ;0.4997 ;0.8 ;0.8399 ;0.6862 ;0.5979 ;0.5945 ;0.3472 ;0.6884 ;0.6884 ;0.9201 ;0.0867 ;0.2118 ;0.55 ;0.2029 ;0.5636 ;0.5067 ;0.0264 ;0 ;0.703 ;0 ;0.8635 ;0.5 ;0.0936 ;0.1816 ;0 ;0.0106 ;0.7149 ;0.7245 ;0.8751 ;0.0052 ;0.3145 ;0.5847 ;0.0953 ;0.7298 ;0.6612 ;0.4099 ;0 ;0 ;0.0005 ;0.5737 ;0.0102 ;0.0861 ;0.0016 ;0.4236 ;0.2675 ;0.0987 ;0.0795 ;0.7406 ;0.1089 ;0.2017 ;0 ;0.7113 ;0.8557 ;0 ;0.0217 ;0.0877 ;0 ;0.7287 ;0.8577 ;0 ;0 ;0.0863 ;0 ;0.0318 ;0.3026 ;0 ;0 ;0.0115 ;1 ;0.2492 ;0.0316 ;0.8681 ;0.0415 ;0.0583 ;0.0437 ;0.0883 ;0.0154 ;0.0707 ;0.5942 ;0.6413 ;0.5573 ;0.2726 ;0.0253 ;0.0034 ;0 ;0.0012 ;0.1885 ;0.1221 ;0.3471 ;0.4751 ;0.7957 ;0.0014 ;0.5737 ;0.2856 ;0.8736 ;0.5967 ;0.8164 ;0.6314 ;0.5345 ;0.4156 ;0.0512 ;0.0512 ;0.0942 ;0.1396 ;0.0167 ;0.0458 ;0.1192 ;0.0089 ;0.3218 ;0.0967 ;0.0936 ;0.0477 ;0.019 ;0.0896 ;0 ;0.5628 ;0.0341 ;0.0415 ;0.2408 ;0.816 ;0.8162 ;0.8124 ;0.0951 ;0.1127 ;0.1587 ;0.284 ;0.1467 ;0.1156 ;0.1661 ;0.25 ;0.1131 ;0.0173 ;0.7967 ;0.1951 ;0.0982 ;0.5129 ;0.845 ;0.2922 ;0.4875 ;0.5474 ;0.4785 ;0.6561 ;0.7446 ;0.125 ;0.451 ;0.6192 ;0.625 ;0.331 ;0.2873 ;0.75 ;0.7152 ;0.7979 ;0 ;0 ;0.0535 ;0 ;0.0126 ;0.0216 ;0 ;0.2411 ;0.1644 ;0 ;0.0008 ;0.0941 ;0.3027 ;0.4855 ;0.4678 ;0.5019 ;0.1686 ;0.2701 ;0.1831 ;0.5855 ;0.6291 ;0.5512 ;0.3812 ;0.2914 ;0.0716 ;0.0194 ;0.0847 ;0.777 ;0.5038 ;0.4049 ;0.4447 ;0.4434 ;0.4654 ;0.1642 ;0.4997 ;0.8626 ;0.7712 ;0.7986 ;0.5309 ;0.6157 ;0.3057 ;0.6929 ;0.6929 ;0.0282 ;0.4485 ;0.3601 ;0.6365 ;0.2683 ;0.3826 ;0.0155 ;0.1256 ;0.0886 ;0.7035 ;0 ;0.6411 ;0.5 ;0.1443 ;0.2154 ;0.2487 ;0.0972 ;0.4952 ;0.5049 ;0.7073 ;0 ;0.5074 ;0.5636 ;0.1295 ;0.6717 ;0.6676 ;0.593 ;0 ;0.0057 ;0.0005 ;0.8752 ;0.4605 ;0.2491 ;0.3981 ;0.7844 ;0.1308 ;0.1381 ;0.1112 ;0.7753 ;0.2067 ;0.3578 ;0.4444 ;0.8044 ;0.8341 ;0 ;0.1106 ;0.1022 ;0.4444 ;0.8927 ;0.8494 ;0 ;0 ;0.0553 ;0 ;0.0318 ;0.4494 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0.5555 ;0.0662 ;0.0147 ;0.6589 ;0.3006 ;0.2417 ;0.3167 ;0.2509 ;0.3455 ;0.4216 ;0.5854 ;0.6309 ;0.5497 ;0.2699 ;0.0822 ;0.0406 ;0.0067 ;0.0452 ;0.5004 ;0.2821 ;0.3113 ;0.4328 ;0.7032 ;0.3623 ;0.587 ;0.5798 ;0.8687 ;0.5112 ;0.7742 ;0.5979 ;0.5839 ;0.3594 ;0.0593 ;0.0593 ;0.0648 ;0.1179 ;0.0215 ;0.0402 ;0.1398 ;0.011 ;0.1118 ;0.0675 ;0.0686 ;0.0537 ;0.0107 ;0.0709 ;0.0003 ;0.6063 ;0.0643 ;0.0289 ;0.216 ;0.7764 ;0.7766 ;0.7729 ;0.1896 ;0.1027 ;0.1359 ;0.2729 ;0.1405 ;0.1046 ;0.1688 ;0.1567 ;0.1124 ;0.022 ;0.8325 ;0.2132 ;0.0641 ;0.505 ;0.8692 ;0.3055 ;0.5077 ;0.5118 ;0.4829 ;0.6637 ;0.7484 ;0.5556 ;0.5638 ;0.4872 ;0 ;0.0266 ;0.3197 ;0.5556 ;0.5852 ;0.7002 ;0 ;0.0304 ;0.1059 ;0 ;0 ;0.01 ;0 ;0.2525 ;0.1759 ;0 ;0.074 ;0.1373 ;0.3176 ;0.4755 ;0.4792 ;0.4965 ;0.1842 ;0.2793 ;0.1857 ;0.5722 ;0.6151 ;0.5378 ;0.3677 ;0.3164 ;0.1622 ;0.0112 ;0.209 ;0.768 ;0.4676 ;0.3279 ;0.4258 ;0.4557 ;0.4611 ;0.1407 ;0.69 ;0.9108 ;0.872 ;0.7828 ;0.5947 ;0.5946 ;0.3475 ;0.7422 ;0.7422 ;0.0983 ;0.3873 ;0.4479 ;0.6669 ;0.3398 ;0.4572 ;0.0542 ;0.1931 ;0.2133 ;0.7478 ;0.0251 ;0.6993 ;0.0527 ;0.1324 ;0.4541 ;0.1973 ;0.1826 ;0.5663 ;0.576 ;0.7852 ;0 ;0.6182 ;0.6655 ;0.3306 ;0.738 ;0.7174 ;0.6175 ;0 ;0.0043 ;0.0024 ;0.5829 ;0.4754 ;0.2782 ;0.3799 ;0.4711 ;0.1969 ;0.112 ;0.1673 ;0.7178 ;0.1765 ;0.2229 ;0.8772 ;0.8184 ;0.7119 ;0.0994 ;0.1311 ;0.1867 ;0.9766 ;0.9231 ;0.8033 ;0 ;0.0029 ;0.0705 ;0.0234 ;0.0605 ;0.4996 ;0 ;0.0008 ;0.0088 ;0 ;0.0226 ;0.0331 ;0.5163 ;0.4092 ;0.3233 ;0.4042 ;0.2799 ;0.3489 ;0.4192 ;0.5402 ;0.5871 ;0.503 ;0.2605 ;0.2331 ;0.1787 ;0.0313 ;0.2274 ;0.2826 ;0.275 ;0.3435 ;0.4172 ;0.6833 ;0.4132 ;0.223 ;0.581 ;0.9163 ;0.8785 ;0.8236 ;0.5652 ;0.6266 ;0.3084 ;0.5905 ;0.5905 ;0.1433 ;0.3542 ;0.287 ;0.5057 ;0.291 ;0.2904 ;0.0941 ;0.2047 ;0.2293 ;0.5968 ;0.0341 ;0.5976 ;0.0346 ;0.2123 ;0.2892 ;0.1577 ;0.2891 ;0.5622 ;0.571 ;0.7175 ;0.0004 ;0.3792 ;0.4388 ;0.203 ;0.5997 ;0.5659 ;0.495 ;0.0019 ;0.0048 ;0.0042 ;0.5753 ;0.388 ;0.2521 ;0.3645 ;0.5064 ;0.2149 ;0.181 ;0.2049 ;0.7397 ;0.2804 ;0.3247 ;0.864 ;0.826 ;0.7387 ;0.136 ;0.1524 ;0.2082 ;1 ;0.9476 ;0.8459 ;0 ;0.0188 ;0.0495 ;0 ;0.0394 ;0.3719 ;0 ;0.0113 ;0.017 ;0 ;0.001 ;0.0286 ;0.5409 ;0.3613 ;0.3067 ;0.3698 ;0.2539 ;0.3081 ;0.3694 ;0.4564 ;0.5037 ;0.4191 ;0.418 ;0.4732 ;0.3518 ;0.0444 ;0.4366 ;0.3796 ;0.3596 ;0.3034 ;0.381 ;0.5849 ;0.3904 ;0.4884 ;0.5908 ;0.9509 ;0.895 ;0.8045 ;0.6461 ;0.5503 ;0.4059 ;0.1177 ;0.1177 ;0.2867 ;0.174 ;0.1412 ;0.1117 ;0.1603 ;0.0827 ;0.1944 ;0.1203 ;0.1157 ;0.1169 ;0.0795 ;0.3272 ;0 ;0.4843 ;0.0599 ;0.1824 ;0.3169 ;0.7685 ;0.7699 ;0.7873 ;0.0373 ;0.1292 ;0.1766 ;0.2889 ;0.2032 ;0.1728 ;0.2165 ;0.0063 ;0.0229 ;0.0189 ;0.6901 ;0.2413 ;0.1416 ;0.4878 ;0.7274 ;0.2486 ;0.3999 ;0.4676 ;0.5564 ;0.578 ;0.6336 ;0.9386 ;0.8973 ;0.6555 ;0.0351 ;0.0697 ;0.253 ;0.9737 ;0.9531 ;0.8042 ;0 ;0.0008 ;0.045 ;0 ;0.002 ;0.0514 ;0 ;0.0309 ;0.1485 ;0.0058 ;0.0092 ;0.0887 ;0.3366 ;0.4675 ;0.4581 ;0.4826 ;0.1799 ;0.2716 ;0.2361 ;0.5514 ;0.5954 ;0.5165 ;0.4458 ;0.4183 ;0.2087 ;0.0828 ;0.2622 ;0.695 ;0.5446 ;0.4046 ;0.5814 ;0.7393 ;0.4611 ;0.5176 ;0.5153 ;0.9535 ;0.8161 ;0.8076 ;0.5987 ;0.5988 ;0.3456 ;0.0606 ;0.0606 ;0.1971 ;0.1249 ;0.0656 ;0.0596 ;0.098 ;0.0466 ;0.1608 ;0.1157 ;0.0684 ;0.0576 ;0.0576 ;0.2009 ;0.0239 ;0.4942 ;0.0418 ;0.1118 ;0.2659 ;0.8398 ;0.84 ;0.8361 ;0.0396 ;0.1489 ;0.201 ;0.3903 ;0.1664 ;0.1343 ;0.1794 ;0 ;0.0385 ;0.0223 ;0.791 ;0.1632 ;0.0979 ;0.5172 ;0.843 ;0.2331 ;0.4336 ;0.505 ;0.4582 ;0.6023 ;0.6975 ;0.9153 ;0.823 ;0.6459 ;0.037 ;0.0788 ;0.257 ;0.9524 ;0.8859 ;0.7984 ;0 ;0.0247 ;0.0316 ;0 ;0 ;0.0268 ;0 ;0.0719 ;0.1674 ;0.0476 ;0.0303 ;0.0828 ;0.3145 ;0.4646 ;0.4244 ;0.4788 ;0.1373 ;0.2445 ;0.161 ;0.5714 ;0.6138 ;0.5374 ;0.3814 ;0.4111 ;0.2268 ;0.0627 ;0.2859 ;0.7825 ;0.507 ;0.3422 ;0.5024 ;0.5895 ;0.4409 ;0.4637 ;0.7911 ;0.9512 ;0.7799 ;0.7709 ;0.558 ;0.6083 ;0.3222 ;0.2334 ;0.2334 ;0.2653 ;0.112 ;0.0725 ;0.2335 ;0.2231 ;0.037 ;0.264 ;0.149 ;0.0761 ;0.2313 ;0.0873 ;0.2837 ;0.0001 ;0.4502 ;0.2904 ;0.1608 ;0.2708 ;0.7303 ;0.7329 ;0.7972 ;0 ;0.2717 ;0.3254 ;0.3203 ;0.3002 ;0.2779 ;0.315 ;0 ;0.0021 ;0.0174 ;0.7396 ;0.3304 ;0.2198 ;0.5414 ;0.751 ;0.2596 ;0.3922 ;0.5179 ;0.5739 ;0.5329 ;0.6147 ;0.9861 ;0.8402 ;0.6523 ;0.0139 ;0.0469 ;0.2434 ;1 ;0.8777 ;0.7933 ;0 ;0 ;0.046 ;0 ;0 ;0.0826 ;0 ;0.1658 ;0.1891 ;0 ;0.0142 ;0.0953 ;0.3744 ;0.4875 ;0.4452 ;0.499 ;0.2292 ;0.3216 ;0.3167 ;0.478 ;0.5283 ;0.4377 ;0.3807 ;0.3836 ;0.1124 ;0.0943 ;0.1458 ;0.6627 ;0.4437 ;0.3153 ;0.4725 ;0.5895 ;0.4876 ;0.4713 ;0.61 ;0.8766 ;0.8077 ;0.775 ;0.5556 ;0.615 ;0.3151 ;0.261 ;0.261 ;0.2406 ;0.1472 ;0.1156 ;0.2297 ;0.0936 ;0.1859 ;0.15 ;0.1409 ;0.0732 ;0.2555 ;0.086 ;0.3468 ;0.0556 ;0.4579 ;0.2635 ;0.1122 ;0.2347 ;0.6443 ;0.6476 ;0.71 ;0.0572 ;0.2117 ;0.258 ;0.2215 ;0.2985 ;0.2786 ;0.3147 ;0 ;0.0134 ;0.0292 ;0.6414 ;0.3158 ;0.1902 ;0.5268 ;0.6429 ;0.3067 ;0.3942 ;0.4494 ;0.5691 ;0.5469 ;0.5825 ;0.8827 ;0.8065 ;0.6543 ;0.0555 ;0.1058 ;0.2203 ;0.9383 ;0.891 ;0.7765 ;0 ;0.0345 ;0.0486 ;0 ;0.0025 ;0.1193 ;0 ;0.0618 ;0.11 ;0.0617 ;0.0112 ;0.0948 ;0.3721 ;0.4742 ;0.4364 ;0.4877 ;0.2115 ;0.317 ;0.3003 ;0.5742 ;0.6158 ;0.5412 ;0.3386 ;0.3321 ;0.2042 ;0.0956 ;0.2511 ;0.5795 ;0.4741 ;0.317 ;0.4258 ;0.6333 ;0.4713 ;0.3151 ;0.6434 ;0.9076 ;0.8809 ;0.8362 ;0.5756 ;0.7043 ;0.243 ;0.4312 ;0.4312 ;0.1111 ;0.3118 ;0.1756 ;0.3542 ;0.292 ;0.1364 ;0.0916 ;0.226 ;0.2459 ;0.4389 ;0.0246 ;0.4511 ;0.1867 ;0.3084 ;0.2454 ;0.1445 ;0.252 ;0.645 ;0.6519 ;0.7424 ;0.0019 ;0.2565 ;0.3154 ;0.1512 ;0.476 ;0.4345 ;0.3788 ;0.0075 ;0.0149 ;0.0082 ;0.5922 ;0.2884 ;0.1941 ;0.3264 ;0.5651 ;0.2357 ;0.2616 ;0.2703 ;0.7502 ;0.3876 ;0.4392 ;0.8621 ;0.8276 ;0.7171 ;0.1173 ;0.128 ;0.2215 ;0.9794 ;0.9299 ;0.8364 ;0 ;0.0038 ;0.0586 ;0 ;0.0406 ;0.2659 ;0 ;0.0211 ;0.0546 ;0 ;0.0049 ;0.0443 ;0.4943 ;0.344 ;0.3276 ;0.3587 ;0.1993 ;0.233 ;0.2807 ;0.4461 ;0.4964 ;0.4014 ;0.4667 ;0.5162 ;0.3389 ;0.0285 ;0.3998 ;0.4882 ;0.4186 ;0.2395 ;0.3196 ;0.4885 ;0.3688 ;0.4317 ;0.0403 ;0.9031 ;0.9195 ;0.7486 ;0.6495 ;0.5435 ;0.4132 ;0.1956 ;0.1956 ;0.0465 ;0.2603 ;0.1616 ;0.1407 ;0.1203 ;0.1924 ;0.0256 ;0.2741 ;0.2649 ;0.1924 ;0.0045 ;0.2977 ;0 ;0.4309 ;0.0813 ;0.1467 ;0.1722 ;0.6648 ;0.6674 ;0.7051 ;0.1839 ;0.1054 ;0.1322 ;0.0506 ;0.2343 ;0.1947 ;0.226 ;0 ;0.0011 ;0.0374 ;0.7701 ;0.4118 ;0.199 ;0.4741 ;0.7628 ;0.2284 ;0.3662 ;0.2949 ;0.5944 ;0.4965 ;0.562 ;0.2777 ;0.5709 ;0.4756 ;0.6111 ;0.5128 ;0.2817 ;0.8889 ;0.9803 ;0.6585 ;0 ;0 ;0.0844 ;0 ;0 ;0.1876 ;0 ;0 ;0.1259 ;0.1111 ;0.0158 ;0.1066 ;0.3131 ;0.534 ;0.606 ;0.5625 ;0.3708 ;0.3969 ;0.3932 ;0.6263 ;0.6611 ;0.5981 ;0.4175 ;0.3854 ;0.3739 ;0.014 ;0.4458 ;0.6341 ;0.417 ;0.4186 ;0.3837 ;0.6239 ;0.5571 ;0.4336 ;0.5402 ;0.9038 ;0.8295 ;0.7706 ;0.5437 ;0.606 ;0.3189 ;0.2356 ;0.2356 ;0.1005 ;0.1741 ;0.134 ;0.206 ;0.1941 ;0.0956 ;0.1187 ;0.1507 ;0.0801 ;0.234 ;0.0224 ;0.2955 ;0.1546 ;0.4214 ;0.205 ;0.1012 ;0.2496 ;0.758 ;0.7609 ;0.8076 ;0.0154 ;0.2292 ;0.2853 ;0.3008 ;0.3084 ;0.2765 ;0.2878 ;0.0066 ;0.0326 ;0.0213 ;0.6726 ;0.3056 ;0.1928 ;0.4809 ;0.6955 ;0.2336 ;0.3561 ;0.4402 ;0.6348 ;0.5156 ;0.5795 ;0.5648 ;0.6718 ;0.6291 ;0.3456 ;0.2491 ;0.2513 ;0.9105 ;0.8706 ;0.778 ;0 ;0.0019 ;0.0629 ;0.0278 ;0.0353 ;0.1478 ;0.0123 ;0.088 ;0.1289 ;0.0309 ;0.0182 ;0.0827 ;0.3762 ;0.4733 ;0.4309 ;0.4792 ;0.2137 ;0.2973 ;0.2992 ;0.4553 ;0.4994 ;0.4201 ;0.4096 ;0.4473 ;0.3394 ;0.0264 ;0.4121 ;0.6487 ;0.4931 ;0.3183 ;0.4153 ;0.5446 ;0.4737 ;0.4873 ;0.6389 ;0.8759 ;0.8641 ;0.684 ;0.6627 ;0.5742 ;0.3911 ;0.0796 ;0.0796 ;0.2233 ;0.1019 ;0.0582 ;0.072 ;0.1109 ;0.0297 ;0.1993 ;0.082 ;0.0507 ;0.074 ;0.0386 ;0.2175 ;0.0714 ;0.4802 ;0.0582 ;0.1097 ;0.2096 ;0.8282 ;0.8283 ;0.8245 ;0.0253 ;0.1854 ;0.2355 ;0.485 ;0.182 ;0.1535 ;0.2012 ;0.0026 ;0.0077 ;0.0428 ;0.7803 ;0.1743 ;0.1003 ;0.5419 ;0.8526 ;0.1785 ;0.3993 ;0.5233 ;0.5566 ;0.5803 ;0.6859 ;0.627 ;0.7214 ;0.5605 ;0.1984 ;0.1931 ;0.2363 ;0.8254 ;0.8756 ;0.7014 ;0 ;0.0287 ;0.1051 ;0 ;0 ;0.0399 ;0.0317 ;0.0692 ;0.1877 ;0.127 ;0.0374 ;0.106 ;0.3328 ;0.4525 ;0.4016 ;0.4622 ;0.1185 ;0.2342 ;0.1768 ;0.5179 ;0.5626 ;0.482 ;0.3613 ;0.3715 ;0.2485 ;0.0434 ;0.3143 ;0.8236 ;0.5437 ;0.3868 ;0.5429 ;0.6343 ;0.4368 ;0.5558 ;0.6079 ;0.9341 ;0.8975 ;0.7635 ;0.634 ;0.5626 ;0.3906 ;0.0377 ;0.0377 ;0.3036 ;0.0773 ;0.0811 ;0.0239 ;0.1339 ;0.0658 ;0.2529 ;0.2018 ;0.0944 ;0.0337 ;0.0912 ;0.1915 ;0 ;0.5419 ;0.0605 ;0.1423 ;0.1232 ;0.7714 ;0.7717 ;0.7679 ;0.1222 ;0.0475 ;0.0867 ;0.1315 ;0.1153 ;0.0829 ;0.1457 ;0 ;0.0648 ;0.0307 ;0.7515 ;0.2975 ;0.1422 ;0.5116 ;0.7838 ;0.2882 ;0.4715 ;0.4959 ;0.5061 ;0.6367 ;0.6887 ;0.6825 ;0.6689 ;0.5276 ;0.3174 ;0.3746 ;0.3217 ;1 ;0.968 ;0.7399 ;0 ;0.0026 ;0.0475 ;0 ;0 ;0.0046 ;0 ;0 ;0.1961 ;0 ;0 ;0.1142 ;0.2739 ;0.5334 ;0.5602 ;0.5523 ;0.2482 ;0.317 ;0.2831 ;0.544 ;0.5882 ;0.5087 ;0.4273 ;0.2598 ;0.1772 ;0.0916 ;0.2264 ;0.7178 ;0.4991 ;0.3923 ;0.5299 ;0.6572 ;0.5272 ;0.6637 ;0.2596 ;0.9227 ;0.545 ;0.8186 ;0.6649 ;0.6008 ;0.366 ;0.0056 ;0.0056 ;0.1692 ;0.162 ;0.03 ;0.016 ;0.0686 ;0.0153 ;0.2308 ;0.2889 ;0.172 ;0.006 ;0.0315 ;0.0644 ;0 ;0.6553 ;0.0006 ;0.069 ;0.1126 ;0.8242 ;0.8245 ;0.8205 ;0 ;0.0129 ;0.071 ;0.0096 ;0.0992 ;0.0773 ;0.1195 ;0.0917 ;0.4182 ;0.0242 ;0.717 ;0.3142 ;0.2272 ;0.5086 ;0.7414 ;0.4435 ;0.5789 ;0.6749 ;0.5857 ;0.7412 ;0.7944 ;0.6666 ;0.5615 ;0.749 ;0 ;0 ;0.1845 ;0.6666 ;0.5615 ;0.8362 ;0 ;0 ;0.0088 ;0 ;0 ;0.0011 ;0 ;0.2193 ;0.173 ;0 ;0.0441 ;0.0565 ;0.2198 ;0.5931 ;0.5952 ;0.6084 ;0.2598 ;0.339 ;0.3266 ;0.6218 ;0.6631 ;0.5882 ;0.42 ;0.2695 ;0.1117 ;0.0319 ;0.1361 ;0.6828 ;0.489 ;0.3715 ;0.503 ;0.4263 ;0.5805 ;0.2995 ;0.94 ;0.8086 ;0.7266 ;0.7882 ;0.1753 ;0.6476 ;0.1472 ;0.6503 ;0.6503 ;0.1438 ;0.362 ;0.0379 ;0.5311 ;0.2196 ;0.0194 ;0.0792 ;0.0904 ;0.3789 ;0.664 ;0.0267 ;0.4837 ;0 ;0.2467 ;0.2109 ;0.2649 ;0.4791 ;0.6375 ;0.647 ;0.7956 ;0 ;0.3647 ;0.4804 ;0.0025 ;0.6813 ;0.6173 ;0.4407 ;0 ;0 ;0.0027 ;0.8935 ;0.0891 ;0.1419 ;0.0256 ;0.8838 ;0.1753 ;0.2771 ;0.2232 ;0.8288 ;0.3578 ;0.567 ;0.6111 ;0.716 ;0.6757 ;0.3888 ;0.2805 ;0.3179 ;1 ;0.94 ;0.8758 ;0 ;0 ;0.1817 ;0 ;0 ;0.0444 ;0 ;0.0408 ;0.0097 ;0 ;0.0347 ;0.0214 ;0.9954 ;0 ;0 ;0 ;0.1439 ;0.065 ;0.1234 ;0.2558 ;0.2952 ;0.1856 ;0.4286 ;0.831 ;0.9078 ;0.0271 ;1 ;0.6925 ;0.318 ;0.3228 ;0.8602 ;0.4249 ;0.0345 ;0.5412 ;0.2216 ;0.6767 ;0.9273 ;0.8242 ;0.7758 ;0.4809 ;0.5142 ;0.0499 ;0.0499 ;0.3106 ;0.1475 ;0.0719 ;0.0544 ;0.1355 ;0.0366 ;0.2283 ;0.1559 ;0.0709 ;0.0495 ;0.0865 ;0.2405 ;0 ;0.5314 ;0.0404 ;0.1416 ;0.4009 ;0.8411 ;0.8413 ;0.8373 ;0 ;0.1281 ;0.1828 ;0.3332 ;0.1565 ;0.1253 ;0.1692 ;0 ;0 ;0.0195 ;0.7925 ;0.1377 ;0.1268 ;0.5127 ;0.84 ;0.2641 ;0.4566 ;0.5358 ;0.4676 ;0.6259 ;0.7168 ;1 ;0.9802 ;0.6832 ;0 ;0.0247 ;0.2323 ;1 ;1 ;0.8134 ;0 ;0 ;0.0041 ;0 ;0 ;0.0259 ;0 ;0 ;0.1946 ;0 ;0 ;0.0729 ;0.3056 ;0.4652 ;0.4123 ;0.4818 ;0.1278 ;0.2312 ;0.1678 ;0.5828 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