00:04:32 Megan Kresse: Is this the ranking group? 00:04:51 Allison Gratz (she/her): this is the biotics group 00:08:05 Megan Kresse: Hi Allison, do you happen to have the zoom link for the ranking group? The links don't seem to be working for me. 00:09:37 Whitney Weber (she/her/hers): https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/teamsites/CHMT/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?ct=1676397541505&or=OWA%2DNT&cid=ba389807%2D6e37%2D61f1%2D8f3d%2D9b079e0da2c0&ga=1&id=%2Fteamsites%2FCHMT%2FShared%20Documents%2FCMT%202023%2FBiotics%20Session%20Day%203%2D4&viewid=35795df1%2D7166%2D4343%2D930e%2Deea3ba27aea0 00:12:26 Whitney Weber (she/her/hers): https://help.natureserve.org/biotics/#Training/Training_CMT.htm%3FTocPath%3DTraining%7C_____1 00:15:28 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: all good 00:15:29 Peroline Lescot (QC CDC): Yes ! 00:15:30 Jennifer Poore: yes 00:15:36 Eve Williamson: the link does not work for me 00:15:47 Eve Williamson: I did that too! 00:16:22 Whitney Weber (she/her/hers): https://help.natureserve.org/biotics/#Training/Training_CMT.htm%3FTocPath%3DTraining%7C_____1 00:17:04 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: The links usually don't work for me. I have to access them through the link sent out with one of the first emails sent out. 00:17:05 Jason McNees - MD NHP: It worked for me when I copied/pasted the link from the Word doc instead of the chat 00:17:22 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Neither link worked for me, but when I use the link on the email, it does work. 00:17:38 Carson Mays: Eve that happened to me too. I just clicked on the training heading on the left side and then opened the core methodology heading 00:17:59 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Reacted to "Eve that happened ..." with šŸ‘ 00:18:43 Joanna Wilson GNWT (she/her): I am - joined late and can't see the early part of the chat with the link 00:18:55 Allison Gratz (she/her): https://help.natureserve.org/biotics/#Training/Training_CMT.htm%3FTocPath%3DTraining%7C_____1 00:19:27 Eve Williamson: Reacted to "Eve that happened ..." with šŸ‘ 00:24:23 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): When you check off source features and don't specify anything else, is that then ALL source features in Biotics? 00:30:07 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Is there any way to change the symbology of layers you add, or do you have to use what the system chooses? 00:32:23 Allison Gratz (she/her): did that answer your question Jason? 00:32:29 Jason McNees - MD NHP: yep 00:35:08 BenoĆ®t Tremblay (QuĆ©bec): The map does not loadā€¦(says Loading Page but does not work even after many minutes) 00:35:52 BenoĆ®t Tremblay (QuĆ©bec): Ok I'll try that 00:35:57 BenoĆ®t Tremblay (QuĆ©bec): i did 00:36:22 John Vanek: my map loaded then turned to black. refreshing didn't help, but closing out the browser and reopening worked. 00:37:19 BenoĆ®t Tremblay (QuĆ©bec): I've changed browser and no works thanks 00:37:22 Joey Thompson, VA NHP: yes 00:37:24 Jennifer Poore: I am good to go. 01:08:23 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Where is the details dialog? 01:08:54 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: I'm getting an error. 01:09:10 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Share screen 01:10:20 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: My microphone is disabled. 01:10:22 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Thanks! 01:10:36 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): And if you don't want to type it in manually, next time you can hit "select" next to "name" and then the "=" button. 01:10:50 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Reacted to "And if you don't w..." with šŸ‘ 01:11:14 Peroline Lescot (QC CDC): If I use the Add to Spatial Clipboard, do I need to do it for each polygones ? 01:12:49 Peroline Lescot (QC CDC): ok thanks ! 01:13:28 Carson Mays: I had Thompson's Lake as well but it has two polygons associated with it 01:13:31 Jackie Mason- WI DNR: I'm getting an error message when i search feature 01:13:33 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: error message for me only so far 01:14:02 Carson Mays: Sounds good! Thanks 01:15:30 Jackie Mason- WI DNR: got it thanks! 01:15:42 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: got it, thanks 01:17:56 Jennifer Poore: how to add to spatial clipboard 01:18:23 Jennifer Poore: Thanks! I got it now whew 01:33:09 Whitney Weber (she/her/hers): https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/teamsites/CHMT/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?ct=1676397541505&or=OWA%2DNT&cid=ba389807%2D6e37%2D61f1%2D8f3d%2D9b079e0da2c0&ga=1&id=%2Fteamsites%2FCHMT%2FShared%20Documents%2FCMT%202023%2FBiotics%20Session%20Day%203%2D4&viewid=35795df1%2D7166%2D4343%2D930e%2Deea3ba27aea0 01:43:36 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: you did :) 02:06:51 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Should the date be American date format (MM/DD/YR)? 02:08:33 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Ok. 02:10:36 Jackie Mason- WI DNR: yes 02:10:38 Jennifer Poore: yes 02:14:04 Whitney Weber (she/her/hers): Enemion biternatum 02:14:57 Jason McNees - MD NHP: It's easy to forget to change the element name if you're entering multiple species, so need to be careful there 02:20:10 Whitney Weber (she/her/hers): https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/teamsites/CHMT/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?ct=1676397541505&or=OWA%2DNT&cid=ba389807%2D6e37%2D61f1%2D8f3d%2D9b079e0da2c0&ga=1&id=%2Fteamsites%2FCHMT%2FShared%20Documents%2FCMT%202023%2FBiotics%20Session%20Day%203%2D4&viewid=35795df1%2D7166%2D4343%2D930e%2Deea3ba27aea0 02:25:24 Joanna Wilson GNWT (she/her): My spatial clipboard is empty even though I thought I copied Thompson's Lake. Is there a way to go find it without having to start over? 02:35:05 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: not successful yet 02:35:09 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: how did you bring up the box on your screen? 02:37:06 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: we were to just hit finish on mapping details? 02:42:14 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Oh interesting. I have one other EO, but it's far away from mine, so not the same one, but within 1km. 02:47:16 Peroline Lescot (QC CDC): yes 02:47:19 Becky Roth: yes 02:47:19 Joey Thompson, VA NHP: yes 02:48:32 Hannah Scrafford: The information didn't populate in Spatial Attributes window. 02:48:45 Bruce Schneider: I am just getting Pending... for all values in the spatial attributes. 02:49:21 Bruce Schneider: My mistake. I was in EO 02:49:46 Bruce Schneider: All good now 02:49:53 Hannah Scrafford: Me too. Thank you! 02:54:58 Jason McNees - MD NHP: I think you mentioned the specimen field was extensible? Our Biotics doesn't have that at the Source Feature level. 02:56:05 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Got it - thanks! 02:59:40 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Where do we find information about the overbird observation? 03:00:06 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: ovenbird, sorry 03:00:37 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Is it in the mapping worksheet? 03:00:44 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Okay. 03:01:06 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Got it. 03:02:29 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Remember to search the new Element type! (I forgot lol oops) 03:03:54 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: need help finding additional mapping options tool 03:04:15 Peroline Lescot (QC CDC): Reacted to "Remember to search t..." with šŸ‘ 03:04:52 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: ah, okay, thx 03:05:00 Jason McNees - MD NHP: If you mistakenly create a SF for the wrong element (and/or create an EO off it before you realize the mistake) is it faster to delete and re-create, or is there a quick way to "re-parent" it to the right element after the fact? 03:08:33 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Yes - is there a button or tool that does that? 03:08:38 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: When trying to save representation accuracy I got this error message: Tue Feb 14 2023 16:03:06 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) 500: An error occurred while attempting to update a record; all changes have been rolled back. SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("BIOTICS_USER"."SOURCE_FEATURE_EXT2"."SPECIMEN_DESC") ConstraintViolationException error executing work Show/Hide Error Details 03:08:58 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Got it - thanks! 03:10:32 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: I was able to remove it (I thought I did!). It saved. 03:10:46 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Thanks! 03:10:52 Jackie Mason- WI DNR: I'm trying to add representation accuracy but all the details say pending. 03:14:46 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: I ended up with 10 total SFs in proposed EO for my protected area. Not sure how that happened? 03:15:40 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Can you see it? My microphone is disabled again 03:16:18 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Maybe my separation distance was wrong? 03:18:02 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: yes 03:18:14 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: yes 03:23:09 Alison Smith: I had the same thing happening as Danielle. Thanks for going through that! 03:23:26 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Reacted to "I had the same thi..." with šŸ‘ 03:38:35 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): All good, we can close poll windows separately. 03:48:33 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: What if the shoreline was densely developed? Is the water connectivity enough? 03:49:03 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Oh interesting. So you have to choose only one (suitable/unsuitable), even if you're in a matrix of different types? 03:51:12 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Great thanks! 03:51:18 Becky Roth: makes sense 03:55:10 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Sorry, are we doing the common loon like you did the softshell? 03:55:29 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Different than the anemone 03:55:34 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: Thanks 03:58:30 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT Fish & Wildlife: yes 03:58:35 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: still working 03:58:36 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Still working 03:58:36 Alison Smith: still working 03:58:40 Peroline Lescot (QC CDC): still working 03:59:13 Hannah Scrafford: I got this Error 03:59:16 Hannah Scrafford: Tue Feb 14 2023 16:53:26 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) 400: Geometry is out of bounds for WKID: 4326 It must fall within: -180.0000, -90.0000, 180.0000, 90.0000 Show/Hide Error Details 04:00:11 Jesse Miller (Washington): I got out of boudns the first time because it was a UTM but I hadn't changed the lat/long from UTM 04:00:46 Hannah Scrafford: Okay, thank you! 04:02:45 Hannah Scrafford: Yes, problem solved, thank you! 04:04:55 Hannah Scrafford: I have to leave early. This was super helpful, thank you!!! 04:15:36 Alison Smith: What if you don't have a SF ID? Can you navigate within the map and select a feature to update? 04:16:19 Alison Smith: Hypothetically 04:20:14 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Huh, a search for my SF doesn't come up, but I guess just move on. 04:20:24 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): I'm sure I'm doing something dumb. 04:20:33 Alison Smith: Same here 04:22:29 Jason McNees - MD NHP: make sure you clear the search form, and make sure the SF layer doesn't have a filter applied 04:23:00 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Ok I'd tried clearing search but not the SF later filter. I'll try that. 04:23:42 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Ah there we go. Thanks! 04:23:44 Alison Smith: clearing the filter worked for me. Thanks! 04:26:57 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Is there a way to manually draw a custom feature that you want added to the spatial clipboard? Or can you only copy features that are in an existing layer? 04:28:07 Allison Gratz (she/her): https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SCsTLepjG0K9FP_MYZcjqACJIYdJlc5NtSyM5-n3IIRUNjRDTFM2M0tPTkJCWE81WjEzM0VGR0VVSC4u 04:30:29 Jesse Miller (Washington): So what time does the regular session after the office hours start tomorrow? 04:30:30 Peroline Lescot (QC CDC): Thanks a lot Whitney and Alison !