00:13:33 amandak: Where was the document with Key Terms located? 00:14:22 Shari Koslowsky, WI DNR: I don't see the terms in the SharePoint. 00:14:28 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/teamsites/CHMT/Shared%20Documents/CMT%202023/Day%202/1.Meth%20Spatial%20Features%20Weber?csf=1&web=1&e=9LnRKD 00:15:01 Allison Gratz (she/her): here is the link to today's meeting materials: https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/teamsites/CHMT/Shared%20Documents/CMT%202023/Day%202?csf=1&web=1&e=3i6w9u 00:30:12 Jakob Goldner: "The page you're looking for does not exist" in both Chrome and Edge. Clicking on the link, and copy/pasting yield the same result 00:30:38 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Odd, it worked for me. 00:30:54 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): On chrome. 00:31:07 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Is it a signing in issue? 00:31:21 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) - VT Fish & Wildlife: Your examples are helpful, thank you. 00:32:09 Jakob Goldner: It does not appear to be a signing in issue, since I am signed in. 00:32:57 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) - VT Fish & Wildlife: I was having the same access issue and this link worked for me: https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/teamsites/CHMT/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=px1krj&cid=fc1a0471%2D2c02%2D4384%2D92b0%2D298bf7d5a31d&RootFolder=%2Fteamsites%2FCHMT%2FShared%20Documents%2FCMT%202023%2FAttendee%20Materials&FolderCTID=0x012000344A02F263ADE34584AAD45128259B24. 00:33:24 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Hope that helps albeit temporarily. 00:33:48 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) - VT Fish & Wildlife: Ha. The link I posted didn't work, but I used the first email and clicked on the Sharepoint link and that worked. 00:33:55 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: Not sure if this is the right time to discuss it, but I'm curious about numerous discrete points with a species distributed over a large area, like patches of plants 5-10 meters apart, separated over 2-3 hectares 00:36:35 Jakob Goldner: Thank you for the file, Edwin 00:36:54 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "Thank you for the fi..." with ✌️ 00:46:00 Jakob Goldner: How should we ensure that our "biologists' determinations" are comparable? 00:47:27 Jason McNees - MD NHP: I have a similar question to Jakob - could maybe wait until mapping session. 00:52:22 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) - VT Fish & Wildlife: Does this (location uncertainty) apply to mapping natural communities that are unlikely to have the entire edge identified to less than 4.5M using both field data and imagery? ex. large patch northern hardwood forest. Would that feature be considered delimited? 00:55:16 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): So to continue with the above example, if someone instead walked the boundary with a GPS with accuracy of 5m, that would then be Estimated? 01:04:36 Don Faber-Langendoen: Whitney and I can discuss this further; my sense is that practically speaking, it would still be delimited, because ecologists live with a higher level of boundary uncertainty from a classification perspective than the GPS technology provides. 01:18:02 Diana Soteropoulos, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission: What if the matrix habitat between the source features would not support gene flow and each population is independent within a separation distance? 01:18:21 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Reacted to "What if the matrix h..." with πŸ‘ 01:23:56 Jason McNees - MD NHP: I have a bunch, lol 01:24:23 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "I have a bunch, lol" with πŸ˜‚ 01:25:45 Becky Roth: Reacted to "I have a bunch, lol" with πŸ‘ 01:26:46 Diana Soteropoulos, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission: Thank you!!! I found a new population of a small, wind pollinated plant this year that violated separation distance, but there's no way there was gene flow. Happy I didn't violate any rules! 01:56:03 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Ah, I actually wasn't sure the answer in this case since I work with plant names. In the plant case parentheses are for the pre-revision author. 01:58:09 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Madonna Ranger Station, Madonna Maryland, haha 02:04:02 Don Faber-Langendoen: Reacted to "Madonna Ranger Stati..." with πŸ™‚ 02:05:49 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): As someone who used to work on taxonomic updates in herbarium organization, I find this standardized concept approach really cool. πŸ™‚ 02:11:25 Burke Korol: Its a shame that Canadian federal statutes take a long time to update. The taxonomy of a Threatened goldenrod changed a decade ago and our Species at Risk Act still uses the outdated name, which makes the legal protection a bit vulnerable. 02:22:02 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): I have a question about what happens in this system when there isn't a clean relationship between taxonomic concept changes and name changes, but it's not super urgent or important. 02:22:36 Bruce Young (he/him/his): @Cassandra -- maybe bring it up during office hours? 02:22:42 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Reacted to "@Cassandra -- maybe ..." with πŸ‘ 02:22:49 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Will do! 02:27:51 Bruce Young (he/him/his): FYI, Don is too humble to say it, but he was a coauthor on that typology paper in Nature! 02:28:06 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Reacted to "FYI, Don is too humb..." with πŸ‘ 02:28:19 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Reacted to "FYI, Don is too humb..." with πŸ‘ 02:28:34 Virginia Greene - VA DCR: Reacted to "FYI, Don is too hu..." with πŸ‘ 02:28:57 Jamey McClinton, Botanist, Nevada Division of Natural Heritage: Reacted to "FYI, Don is too humb..." with πŸ‘ 02:31:09 Jordana Anderson: Reacted to "FYI, Don is too humb..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 02:32:41 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "FYI, Don is too humb..." with πŸ‘ 02:43:00 Chris Doffitt : Reacted to "FYI, Don is too hu..." with πŸ‘ 02:44:56 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: What is the most common level utilized for state programs? Macrogroup, group, alliance, or association? 02:47:24 Don Faber-Langendoen: Replying to "What is the most com..." When using the IVC/NVC directly, the most common level is the association, but states that use the association and are bordered by states that don't, we often have to work at the alliance level to then roll up the data. So in practice its those two levels that are most widely used by programs. 02:53:41 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: Replying to "What is the most com..." Thanks Don! 03:03:19 Jason McNees - MD NHP: You have to answer #3 to submit 03:03:25 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Reacted to "You have to answer #..." with πŸ‘ 03:03:30 Chris Doffitt : wouldn't let me submit without answering 3 03:03:37 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Do have to. 03:03:39 Jason McNees - MD NHP: No, you do have to answer 03:10:39 Whitney Weber (she/her/hers): https://arcg.is/1LnWme1 03:12:36 Jakob Goldner: Are we able to customize the surveys on our own, or can we only do this through a Nature Serve contact 03:18:34 Caroline Jezierski: Is there a reason Element is used instead of Observation? It is a bit confusing for me with Element Occurrence. 03:21:03 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): The SURVEY123 app for observations is available in Spanish/French ? 03:21:25 Jason McNees - MD NHP: stream vertices? 03:21:48 Katie Hietala-Henschell: tracking? 03:22:17 Owen Boyle, WI DNR (he/him): breadcrumbs :) 03:22:25 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Reacted to "breadcrumbs :)" with πŸ‘ 03:22:34 Katie Hietala-Henschell: Reacted to "breadcrumbs :)" with πŸ˜† 03:22:48 Jamey McClinton, Nevada Division of Natural Heritage botanist: What if the element you would like to search for does not have a match? For example, if I select the "Element" radio button, then search Eriogonum, there are no matches either for the genus alone or for a binomial name such as Eriogonum umbellatum. But, if I select the higher taxonomy button, then a match for "Eriogonum" appears. 03:23:23 Burke Korol: Anybody using this find it practical when you make hundreds of observations in a typical field day? 03:24:04 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): We used it to record 150 deer for CWD last November, and in this case it was quite easy and practical. 03:26:52 Jason McNees - MD NHP: For missing element - if you're data manager says "Yeah, I'll get right on that" - you could pick a higher tax value and enter the name in the General Comments then they could add it later. 03:29:01 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) - VT Fish & Wildlife: Is there an option to have a notes feature, where a stylus could be used to write information out, like in a notebook? 03:29:38 Elizabeth Braatz (she/her/hers): Could you please go over in more detail how to copy or favorite things and how to access them once you favorite them? Also, more on missing elements -- besides using a higher taxon, if the species is missing, can you type in your own value if it doesn't appear, or is this discouraged? 03:29:49 Jason McNees - MD NHP: You could also use the record option to dictate the information in the field then enter it in the form and submit it later. 03:30:15 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) - VT Fish & Wildlife: Yes, dictate would be helpful, but I think you need a connection for that to work, correct? 03:31:45 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) - VT Fish & Wildlife: Dictate also doesn't work great for taxonomic and ecological terms. 03:32:16 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "Dictate also doesn't..." with πŸ‘ 03:39:54 Chantal Iosso, NDNH: I see how this could be a great tool for single species observations, but is anyone using anything similar for ecology data? I have always been hesitant about using survey123 when I have long plant lists, soil profile info, etc to get into my survey 03:39:58 Jason McNees - MD NHP: To be able to see your existing EOs on the map on the device while in the field (such as to be able to indicate if an obs is an update of an existing EO or a new Source Feature)...or to be able to see other state base layers - does that require using Field Maps or can Survey123 do that? 03:43:51 Jamey McClinton, Nevada Division of Natural Heritage botanist: Reacted to "Could you please go ..." with πŸ‘ 03:48:14 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Awesome - I might want to talk to you - I think we'll be needing to do what VA is doing 03:49:21 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: Field maps has been very useful for us to import existing EO identifiers into a survey123 by clicking on a feature in field maps that opens the survey with that information pre-loaded (using Arcade) 04:00:36 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): I have used the app with a co worker's account while gathering data. Can anyone make an account? I haven't tried yet. 04:02:20 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Edwin - for us, our surveys are on our DNR organizational AGOL so you need a state account to use. I need to do some research to figure out how to set up surveys that external non-state people can use and submit data to us. 04:02:37 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "Edwin - for us, our ..." with πŸ‘ 04:03:11 Jackie Mason: can you please go back to the QR code? 04:03:21 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Replying to "Edwin - for us, our ..." Thanks Jason! 04:03:27 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Replying to "can you please go ba..." https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/95f90acbe9d947658bc566d70ab0492a? 04:03:41 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Thanks Whitney. 04:04:14 Jackie Mason: Thank you! 04:04:39 Allison Gratz (she/her): https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SCsTLepjG0K9FP_MYZcjqACJIYdJlc5NtSyM5-n3IIRURVo3TUY1WDhVSlA0TkszNjBHRjBFSDFOWi4u 04:04:52 Vincent PIchΓ©: French version available ? 04:05:38 Jean-Bastien Lambert: Does the app work on devices when there is no cell phone network access (i.e: in remote areas)? Data synchronization happens later, when access is restored? 04:05:44 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): We can do it.. in exchange of full access ;) 04:06:04 Vincent PIchΓ©: Good thanks… maybe we could help for that 04:06:10 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Reacted to "Good thanks… maybe w..." with ❀️ 04:08:48 Burke Korol: how 'high' does ' 04:08:59 Burke Korol: how high does higher taxon go? 04:11:31 Jamey McClinton, Nevada Division of Natural Heritage botanist: Could you go over how to create a polygon in the survey form one more time, please? 04:13:45 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): https://bioticssupport.natureserve.org/support/solutions/articles/240139-collect-data-via-survey123 04:13:46 Jamey McClinton, Nevada Division of Natural Heritage botanist: Thanks! 04:14:15 Jean-Bastien Lambert: To geolocate species occurrences, does the app use the device's internal GPS? Do you think the accuracy is sufficient? 04:17:26 Jean-Bastien Lambert: Thanks :-) 04:17:38 Lisa Goodell: When appending data from an external dataset into the geodatabase for use with the Observations toolbox, into which feature class does the data need to be appended? 04:17:49 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Super presentation! Thanks Whitney ! 04:18:23 Elizabeth Braatz (she/her/hers): Thank you so much Whitney for all the detailed answers and presentation! 04:19:25 Allison Gratz (she/her): link to feedback survey: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SCsTLepjG0K9FP_MYZcjqACJIYdJlc5NtSyM5-n3IIRURVo3TUY1WDhVSlA0TkszNjBHRjBFSDFOWi4u 04:21:30 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Have a good evening! 04:21:33 Laukahi Coordinator: Thanks Whitney! 04:21:34 Peroline Lescot (QC CDC): Thanks a lot for the presentation ! 04:21:34 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) - VT Fish & Wildlife: Thank you! Cool stuff. 04:21:42 Hannah Hyatt (NatureServe): thank you! 04:21:51 Carson Mays : Thanks! 04:21:58 Jason McNees - MD NHP: feedback form link doesn't work for me 04:22:05 Virginia Greene - VA DCR: Thank you! 04:22:23 Kendra Millam Ohio DNR: My program has had some unique challenges regarding IT and data-sharing agreements and tool-development. Who can I talk to about the logistics that would be needed to get our agency to host a feature layer on our AGOL? Or do you know of work-arounds for this? 04:22:28 Jesse Miller (Washington): Thanks! 04:22:28 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: Thanks! All great information. 04:23:04 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Thanks to all the presenters! 04:24:55 Kendra Millam Ohio DNR: thanks! 04:25:25 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Thanks - great job!