00:10:53 Jason McNees - MD NHP: I have a few... 00:11:07 Allison Gratz (she/her): go ahead and come off mute and ask! 00:11:11 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: We'll have a question in a few minutes 00:11:35 Danielle Owczarski: I plan to work on the hands-on training and then question or two eventually. 00:14:05 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: That is my plan as well, work thru examples 00:38:28 Jason McNees - MD NHP: I have another example like this I could show that I kind of struggled with. 00:38:42 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "I have another examp..." with 👍 00:53:34 Danielle Owczarski: I have a question 00:59:42 Whitney Weber (she/her/hers): biotics@natureserve.org 01:04:41 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Is it available for Canadian network partners? 01:04:55 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Ok perfet. 01:04:59 Jason McNees - MD NHP: I'm getting ready to upgrade our observations survey very soon so might be reaching out to you if we need help Whitney. 01:05:37 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Do we need to have BIOTICS5 for the Observation Survey123 ? 01:07:12 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Replying to "Do we need to have B..." ok thanks 01:07:58 Jason McNees - MD NHP: I have another 01:08:40 iaincrowell: Sorry I may have just missed this, but will Survey123 work if our org uses FileMaker as our database, and not BIOTICS? 01:09:05 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Sorry I may have just missed this, but will Survey123 work if our org uses FileMaker as our database, and not BIOTICS? Sounds like yes. 01:12:27 Kevin Stohlgren - MD NHP: I would consider it quantitative if I was conducting a full count/inventory of the survey area. If it was just a sampling, I would call it quantitative. 01:12:43 Kevin Stohlgren - MD NHP: *qualitative 01:12:45 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Thanks Kevin! 01:13:25 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "*qualitative" with 👍 01:14:16 Hannah Scrafford: I have a question about uploading data to Biotics. 01:16:09 Jason McNees - MD NHP: For zipped shapefiles, I've also found you need to leave out the .cpg and I think the .xml file from the zip that get autogenerated in current versions of arc. 01:17:43 Hannah Scrafford: Thank you! 01:18:23 Kendra Millam Ohio DNR: Could you help me find where the EO Specs details are in the database and are these specs developed by our program or by natureserve? 01:18:38 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Go for the editing 01:18:45 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Go for the editing please. 01:20:25 Kendra Millam Ohio DNR: I was trying to browse the ones that exist 01:20:56 Kendra Millam Ohio DNR: just to learn more about them 01:21:11 Jason McNees - MD NHP: You can also bring them up on NatureServe Explorer 01:21:59 Kendra Millam Ohio DNR: thanks 01:23:02 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): And if you're wondering about EO data standards in general, there's a whole huge section in the Help Documentation. https://help.natureserve.org/biotics/#Methodology/EO_DataStandard.pdf%3FTocPath%3DMethodology%2520%2526%25C2%25A0Guidelines%7C_____3 01:26:24 Allison Gratz (she/her): hey all we are just finishing up one last biotics demo and then we will take a short break before passing it over to don and bruce for a ranking office hours 01:27:27 Danielle Owczarski: Thank you, Whitney! 01:27:38 Elizabeth Braatz (she/her/hers): Thank you! 01:27:38 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Thanks Whitney and everyone! 01:29:43 Allison Gratz (she/her): we will get started with the ranking office hours at 2:25 01:35:00 Diana Soteropoulos, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission: I have an EO ranking question! 01:35:09 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): I'd love to hear tips for bulk, general ranking projects. 01:35:24 Danielle Owczarski: I'm hear to listen and ask ?'s as they come up. 01:35:26 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: We have a species SRANK question related to the number of EOs 01:39:41 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Ok yeah, it would be great to tap in to existing resources, especially now since I'm just starting. Thanks! 01:40:43 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Ah poop. 01:41:16 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "Ah poop." with 💩 01:52:58 Diana Soteropoulos, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission: Beware! GBIF and iNat data need to be reviewed/cleaned using the edit tool in GeoCAT. 02:13:28 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: Is there a short answer for why environmental specificity and intrinsic vulnerability are not considered in the rank calculation when number of occurrences and threat impact are filled out? They seem like pretty important details for the resiliency of a species. For example, if threats from habitat destruction are really high and a species has trouble reproducing or dispersing, I would think that should carry extra weight? 02:14:41 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Reacted to "Is there a short ans..." with 👍 02:15:23 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: Interesting. Good answer 02:16:36 Dominic Chambers (QC-CDC): Another example please 02:16:38 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: Thanks Bruce! I have another. 02:17:04 John Vanek: Identify theft is not a joke, Jim. 02:17:17 Dustin Garig (LDWF): Reacted to "Identify theft is no..." with 😂 02:17:22 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Reacted to "Identify theft is no..." with 😂 02:20:55 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): I have a question about AOO and range for species where occurrence data is not comprehensive and very geographically biased, but the answer may just be "gotta do your best or just make it SU". 02:22:07 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): *"...make your best guess..." 02:28:16 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Thanks so much, and sorry for asking so many questions. I just know I've got a LOT of this to do, so very helpful. 🙂 02:31:07 Tara Littlefield-Kentucky Natural Heritage Program: you could create specific eo rank criteria for this annual species 02:31:27 Misty Nelson (she/her): Another EO Rank question that might be good to expand on: guidance for when to assign F(ailed to find) vs. H(istoric) vs. e(X)tirpated. It seems like a lot of folks struggle with this. 02:31:44 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Reacted to "Another EO Rank ques..." with 👍 02:32:32 Katie Hietala-Henschell: Reacted to "Another EO Rank ques..." with 👍 02:32:55 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Reacted to "Another EO Rank qu..." with 👍 02:33:28 Cheyenne Moore (she/her) PA Natural Heritage Program: Can you talk about other circumstances where custom specs might be appropriate? 02:33:44 Nour - Kentucky Nature Preserves: Reacted to "Another EO Rank ques..." with 👍 02:43:20 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Ooh question on the species side, just to confirm what we've covered: as long as there's no concrete evidence to rule out a species still being present in our province, there's no reason to assign SNA, correct? For very old and maybe dubious records, those would be SU or SH in most cases, right? 02:44:16 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): As long as it's not introduced or anything. 02:47:04 Jason McNees - MD NHP: Or could go back to "SNR" if you really just don't know how rare the new concept is? 02:47:05 iaincrowell: We have a fair number of records listed as SNA (FalseReport) for very dubious records 02:47:10 John Vanek: have to go pick up kids from school, very interesting discussion, thank you. 02:47:14 iaincrowell: *fair number of species 02:47:51 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Reacted to "We have a fair numbe..." with 👍 02:48:56 Allison Gratz (she/her): for those just coming in, the SHM session will begin at 3:45 03:18:08 Burke Korol: Do you have a Canadian counterpart? 03:18:50 Owen Boyle, WI DNR (he/him): Is it possible for Network programs to gain access to the environmental layer library for their jurisdictions? 03:23:48 Owen Boyle, WI DNR (he/him): Thanks! 03:37:55 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): https://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/species/6389 03:38:25 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): Conradina recently updated ECOS map 03:43:12 Jason McNees - MD NHP: What do you do when Representation Accuracy is unknown or blank - something in the middle? 03:45:06 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): Replying to "What do you do when ..." We do select medium accuracy unless we have specific information from the program about the blank RA field 03:45:25 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): Replying to "What do you do when ..." Or from reviewers when they are able to see the EOs 03:47:32 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): Replying to "What do you do when ..." This is something we can easily accommodate in the workflow so we’ll gladly take feedback on this approach 03:50:45 Jesse Miller (Washington): Wjat 03:50:54 Jesse Miller (Washington): What's the website for downloading the R code? 03:52:51 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): This is the regional SDM git repo that Tim Howard, Chris Tracey and others actively update https://github.com/HeritageNetwork/Regional_SDM 03:53:17 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): Our workflow is refined from this workflow and tailored towards our cloud infrastructure 03:53:44 Jesse Miller (Washington): Awesome, thank you! 03:54:08 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): We can add you to the private repository where we actively update if you can provide us your GitHub user name. Feel free to email me at vratika_chaudhary@natureserve.org 03:54:25 Vratika Chaudhary (she/her) (Vruh-thi-ka): We are also working towards releasing a public version of our workflow 03:56:27 Hannah Hyatt (NatureServe): This is the link to our CMT folder which contains all needed resources: https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/teamsites/CHMT/Ej3uBcD8OYpAt4CepKhHPGwBQGE68GEmfxpYRpyskixRQA?e=SCfMwt 03:56:52 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Replying to "This is the link to ..." It says error for me. 03:57:15 Hannah Hyatt (NatureServe): so sorry please use this one: https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/teamsites/CHMT/Ej3uBcD8OYpAt4CepKhHPGwBJEAplaTxzqm2U2-cmXSdcQ?e=7Gza4M 03:57:28 Edwin Guevara MD-DNR (he/him): Replying to "so sorry please use ..." Thanks! 03:58:04 Hannah Hyatt (NatureServe): Please open the "CMT_Day5_SHM_exercise.docx" file to participate in the activity today 03:58:26 Hannah Hyatt (NatureServe): Can also be accessed via this link: https://natureserve01.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/teamsites/CHMT/EUp7DYKE1C1NtPwka7ZElJsBKoMt6dlmFwLTSe1FBHKk0Q?e=5xwOXS 03:59:00 Gio Rapacciuolo (he/him/his): For those of you who were not able to sign up to the tool, we have published a public version of it which you can access here: https://natureserve.shinyapps.io/MORT-public/ 03:59:26 Gio Rapacciuolo (he/him/his): This will only be available for this session an shortly after it