00:38:03 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Oh thank you. I was wondering about this! 01:03:02 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT FWD: Where can we find the habitat condition tool that you shared? Is that part of the explorer? 01:04:18 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT FWD: Yes 01:04:50 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT FWD: Thanks! 01:20:01 Don Faber-Langendoen: Replying to "Thanks!" Clarification: There is not a tool available to share to calculate Landscape Condition, but rather a raster for North America (with red arrow), with each pixel given a Landscape Condition score from 0 (poor) to 100 (excellent). 01:20:38 Bruce Young (he/him/his): Replying to "Thanks!" GioCAT-- https://natureserve.shinyapps.io/rapid-rank-review/ 01:21:34 Gio Rapacciuolo (he/him/his): Replying to "Thanks!" To clarify, GioCAT is not the official name - it is our beta version nick name! 01:22:20 Don Faber-Langendoen: Replying to "Thanks!" Ha, I didn't catch that at first, Gio! 01:31:22 Gio Rapacciuolo (he/him/his): I need to run - please feel free to provide ample feedback on the Shiny tool. Thank you! 02:18:56 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT FWD: I can report out for Group 4. 02:19:02 John Vanek: we recently had one move in from NJ and get captured on a trail camera 02:19:41 John Vanek: I'm pretty sure its the Allegheny wood rat 02:19:59 John Vanek: ;) 02:30:36 Grace McCartha (she/her), NM: Is there an objective way to assess threat impact? 02:31:24 Grace McCartha (she/her), NM: Ok, thanks! 02:43:37 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): The example mentions continuing decline. Is that long term trend? 03:22:07 Benoît Tremblay (Québec): Unfortunately I have to leave early today. See you next Tuesday afternoon! Thanks :) 03:29:04 John Vanek: Big difference between 2 individuals seen over those 100 km2 and 1000 seen. 04:10:49 Jennifer Poore: I though the Guide was extremely helpful 04:10:52 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT FWD: I like the dichotomous key 04:13:03 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): It also increased after that visit. 04:18:39 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT FWD: Woohoo! 04:19:00 Eve Williamson: Reacted to "Woohoo!" with 👍 04:19:07 Grace McCartha (she/her), NM: Reacted to "Woohoo!" with 👍 04:22:25 Jennifer Poore: I did oops 04:22:44 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): Yeah I also got lost as to which one we were on. 04:25:40 Jackie Mason: i have to head out early. Thank you for a great training today! 04:26:43 Cassandra Robillard (Ont NHIC - any pronouns): At what point does a historical EO become an X? 04:27:01 Kathleen McCoy - Virginia Heritage: Thanks for the practice and application 04:27:20 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT FWD: Reacted to "At what point does..." with 👍 04:29:10 Alison Smith: ...or F becomes H? 04:34:34 Misty Nelson (she/her): https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SCsTLepjG0K9FP_MYZcjqK1Onn93qDpPvVi7KVbecBRUQlgxVEE1M1dYNEUzQU1WRk9ZUEM0SVZSNS4u 04:35:12 Danielle Owczarski (she/her) VT FWD: Thanks!